8. Fake

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"Yea be a little fast you all! We have to get this all done before Tae arrives!" Jisoo clapped her hands and shouted, making all the maids and butlers to nod there heads as the did the decorations fastly.

Not her fault that she is meeting her son after years.....

"Yea Jisoo calm down... you are gonna rush everything." Bo-Hyun said and chuckled, used to his wife's attics.

"How can I not? My son is coming to meet us after a very long time." Jisoo pouted. Even if it have been years since the couple tied there bond, they still give the vibes of a newly married one.

"Your son is not going to run away from the airport babe... plus we both know what he actually is coming for." Bo-Hyun said dramatically

Before they could continue they heard the clicking of heels, making them to turn there head over there. They both smiled when they saw who it was.

"Morning Eunmin, you going somewhere?" Jisoo asked softly

"Ahmm.. yea.. dad called and said to come urgently." Eunmin excused and left. Jisoo sighed

"Maybe it will take time for her to adjust.."

"Hmmm....." Bo-Hyun hummed, suspicious about Eunmin's intention but let it slipped, he has his son to focus on.

"Master! Young master arrived!" One of the butler announced

Jisoo's eyes widened in surprise as happy tears started to flow there it's way down.

"He is here Hyun!" She exclaimed happily and went near the main door, waiting for her son while a happy Bo-Hyun with a silly smile followed her from behind.

The door got opened and the person who entered was immediately taken into a bone crushing hug by the hyper female.

"Mom leave me I can't breathe aishh...."

"O-ohh sorry son." Jisoo smiled widely and left.

"How are you son?"

"M' good." Taehyung spoke with a small smile

"Feels good to see you after soo long...... look I have personally made all your fav dishes today, you are the incharge to finish them all ok?"

"But mom-"

"No buts! Look at you how much skinny you have got Tae, M' not letting it slip easily." Taehyung sighed and nodded in defeat.

"You will be the one responsible for my stomach ache than."

Jisoo nodded happily

Taehyung chuckled at his silly mother and looked ahead, seeing his father standing there with a wide grin.

"Welcome champ!"

"Yo Mr. Big Brain." Bo-Hyun chuckled and spreads his arm and it didn't took much time for Taehyung to hug him.

"I missed you..."

"Missed you too son, but now you are here than everything will be fine. My little birdy is going to be a married man now."

Taehyung stiffed in his place for a sec before he composes himself.

"Stop calling me with names dad, I am not a kid anymore." Bo-Hyun hummed and patted his back.

"Come let's go, your mom has been eating my ears since the time she got to know about your departure."

"Hey!" Taehyung chuckled at his childish parents.

"I missed this...." 'but right now I am missing someone else a lot.......'

They had a lot of fun while eating and catching up with life, but Taehyung certainly, certainly imagined himself with someone when he saw how lovey-dovey his parents were being with each other.....

Evening soon arrived and it was almost dawn when the doorbell rang. A maid went and opens it.

"Who is it Margo?" Jisoo ask while coming out of the kitchen but smiled when she saw the person.

"Oh Eunmin you are back, I think it was a little urgent as it took time."

"Yes Mrs. Kim." Eunmin said with a tight lipped smile

Jisoo smiled and nodded

"BTW... you missed a lot.... guess who is here?" Jisoo wiggled her eyebrows teasingly making Eunmin confused.

"It's Taehyung silly!" Jisoo chuckled and shouted

"Taehyungahh! Come down, look who is here!"


Jisoo smiled and looked at Eunmin who was looking down with a shy smile.

Taehyung walked down, wearing a sweatpants and tee, slaying his outfit without even trying.

"Yes mom?" Taehyung asked coldly as he saw a stranger present there. She was pretty, but her beauty was nothing infront of his bun, his red......

'Taehyung not now...' he sighed to himself, already guessing who the girl was.

"Meet Eunmin, your soon to be fiance." Jisoo introduced

Kang Eunmin26 years old

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Kang Eunmin
26 years old

The girl looked at Taehyung with a shy smile which Taehyung detected was anything but real.....


"Jungkook please..."

"He must be very happy right now, right hyung?" Jimin sighed, he has been trying to motivate the younger to call Taehyung once cause he knows he is kinda forced into this marriage but the younger was not having it.

Ever since Taehyung left, Jimin has been there for Jungkook as he felt the younger needed it and Jungkook could do nothing but silently appreciate his efforts.

"I told you Taehyung doesn't want this marriage Kook."

"But he went there........ he's probably gonna return once he gets married..... it's not even like he likes me." Jungkook chuckled humorlessly

Jimin oh so badly wanted to shout that 'No. He does not likes you but loves you!' but felt it was not his place to tell things like this.

"Taehyung can never be happy with her Jungkook... you said you love him right than why won't you fight for it." Yes, when Jimin came and saw Jungkook's crying self he immediately got to know that the younger feels the same and was on cloud nine as Jungkook himself confessed it after.

'Only if Taehyung would not have been acting like an idiot.'

"I love him but I can't be selfish hyung... i-if his parents chose his life pa-partner than she must be someone who really deserves him." Jungkook said as streams of tears started to leave his precious doe eyes.

'Why you have to do this to me Taehyungie....'

Jimin so badly wanted to comfort but was bounded, not being in the place to spill Taehyung's feeling for younger by being emotional. He has to stay strong.

"I will come soon Jungkook.... just so you know, I know Taehyung enough to say that alien will chose anything but arrange marriage.... be strong and see, your love will surely win."

Was bored so thought scroll insta and randomly ended up with seeing some of your insta IDs.... and......
OK that sounds like a stalker😂

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