57. Let's Start the Real Game

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Disclaimer:- explicit torture scenes ahead, mention of blood and sensitive talks

"Why this sudden training though?" Jungkook asked, curious as he wore his boxing gloves.

"It would be not too much, just some effective combat techniques and skills. I will also teach how to use a gun." Taehyung wore his own gloves after checking if Jungkook had wore his right.

"You know what business I am in babe. Danger is something which always lurks around me, and now.... you, I can't risk you at any cost......" Taehyung hummed once he saw the well wore gloves and smiles at the little one.

"Though, I promise, I will protect be always there to protect you, but.... just in case." Taehyung didn't said any further and started explaining things to Jungkook some basics who attentively listens him. Taehyung was explaining when he stops in the middle. He chuckled and pecked younger's lips when he noticed how he was looking back him like a child, too lost in understanding the info.

"Why do you look so adorable without even trying huh?"

"Shhhhhh..... you are my master here. Teach me like one!" Jungkook whinned, his flow of understanding broke.

"Master huh? Wanna try some basic boxing or you  directly wanna go for combat training?" Taehyung teases a little as soon they started with their practice.

Sound of heavy sea waves were all that Jungkook could hear the moment he felt conscious.

His head felt a little heavy while a part of the back of his neck stung a little.

"He's waking up."

"Shh, boss will be here soon."

Hush voice which Jungkook hardly was able to hear spoke.

He tried to move his hands, yet felt his wrists being restricted to do so. He was sitting in a chair, more like tied to a chair. He shook his head a little, trying wear off the effect of the drug a little as slowly after he opens his eyes.

It was getting dark, almost night as small twinkling of stars were getting visible now.

He looked at his surrounding,trying to make out the place.

It seems to be a port.

Two grand ships parked on his either side as what he thinks behind his back is the sea, a very deep one.

He was at the edge, one push to his chair and he was confirmed he would become a good meal of the fishes down there, marine creatures if we think deeply so.

In front of him were standing a huge group of mens in black, each having a machine gun in hand.

'The hell is happening?'

He tried to move his legs a little yet found them in the same situation as of his wrists.

He puts his head down, still feeling a little dizzy as he took deep breaths.

Soon, the noise of screeching of tyres against the pavement was what it took for him to look up, only for his eyes to widen a little in shock.

The door opened and a man came out, showing a very well known face.

"Hello dear nephew, we met again~" Jongsuk greeted happily as he walks ahead a little and stops.

Jungkook didn't spared a glance at the man, his eyes sticked to the car, his face neutral.

Jongsuk clicked his tongue at the response

"Still spoiled I see, your husband must be the reason- oops, I am sorry, I came to know he is dead." Jongsuk received a glare back which made him smile. Good, he needed the younger to be affected by his talk.

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