6. How can they?!

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"I will be going than, sorry for the disturbance again Mr. Kim." Yoongi bowed and left

"He is your brother?" Taehyung asked coldly

"Ahmm... he is my cousin but more like a real sibling."

"Good thing... so let's start with it, shall we." Taehyung's deep and dominant voice was doing things to the younger who let it slipped, trying to focus on the meeting and be professional.

(A/n:- I have 0 knowledge about these stuff so I am apologising in advance already! I tried to make it interesting though <3)

"So what type of theme designs you want Mr. Kim?"

"Something which reflects my aura." Taehyung spoke coldly but also having a small smirk playing on his lips, testing the younger.

"Hmm..... I think first theme colour should be black than."

"Why so?"

"Black colour brings and signify elegance, calmness, endings and beginnings. It is not considered the best colour for a bedroom or kitchen as it feels heavy but is also a powerful colour and bring a great texture if is done with contrast to other colours." Jungkook explained.

Taehyung hummed, liking younger's knowledge about colours and how he was depicting it to his nature.

"Another colour"

"Another can be the colour grey as it means coolness and balance."

"How does it matches me Jeon?" Taehyung inquired

Jungkook took a deep breath and spoke, "Balance as in a sense you can say like... not mixing you workplace life with your private one."

'That's CEO life with Mafia one for me.' Taehyung thought and smirked.

"And coolness as in not being the one to get ordered and doing what you truly like... an independent individual to be exact."

"You think I am free and independent?"

"No.... but it also doesn't mean that you are forcefully bounded and partially likes what you do... I hope I recognised your character correct Hy-Mr. Kim." Jungkook's nervousness was all way in the air and Taehyung can smell it.

"I think you did a good research on me."

"The time I spend yesterday with you was enough." Taehyung oh so badly wanted to smile but sticked to being strict and professional with the younger.

"Any more?"

"I think two more can go..."


"Another can be white..... White reflects light to make a room look brighter... and if we see deeply into meaning than it signifies peace and purity."

"Do I look harmless?"

"To me you do."

'Only if you knew how much pure and peaceful I am bun.'

"What if you didn't understand me well?"

"Than..... we can say that I failed cause to me... you look harmless.. to all who are innocent I guess...." Taehyung hummed

"And the last one?"

"Red... which I think recognises your character well." Taehyung raised his one eyebrow questionably.

"Red signifies happiness and strength. You are your own strength and you can find your happiness within yourself Hyung." Jungkook widened his eyes when he realised he called Taehyung Hyung.

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