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"Ladies and gentlemen, now I will request you all to please move on to the reception area where our party continues. The groom's will be joining you all soon after." Jimin, who holds a mic in his hands announced to everyone present there.
Soon after, people standing up and leaving were seen with most of them sending a gentle yet congratulating smile towards the newly married couple.

"Shall we my love." Taehyung whispered as he silently urged Jungkook to go together, making the latter to look down shyly. Before he could continue his flirting-

"Soory Mr. Kim, but I will like to have my brother-in-law." Jimin gave a not so innocent smile and swiftly snatches away Jungkook, giving zero attention to his friend's disbelieving look.

"It's my wedding so ain't suppose to be with him?" Taehyung grumbled to himself, annoyed(jealous)

"He is your's after this anyway." Yoongi spoke plainly and moved ahead.

"You coming?"

"Yea I am!"

Long ahead, though the big and spacious corridors walk two males, one curious while other having a sinister idea in his mind.

"What do you want hyung?" Jungkook asked slowly

"You were almost going to fail you surprise Jungkookie." Jimin smirked

"Which one?"

"The suit which you buyed."

Jungkook blushed at that, oh that was anything but a surprise. That's a normal one anyways...

"Ohh... it's not like that as how you are exaggerating it hyung..." he spoke softly

"Yea yea..." the smirk on Jimin's face said otherwise.

They both reached the assigned room for Jungkook and Jimin literally pushed him in, in hurry for him to change fast as who would not want to see a jealous Taehyung.

"You think hyung will like this?"

"He will love this dress Kook, I told you right? Wear it!" Jimin smiled innocently and closes the door.

Not soon after he sees Yoongi and Taehyung coming.

"Oh you here?"

"Where should I be than?"

Taehyung frowned

"I thought you will be changing."

"Well Jungkook's in so I gotta wait."

"Oh is it? Well, I have to get in as my suit is in, move aside." Taehyung tried but got stopped by a pair of hands holding his arms.

"I knew you will play dirty Taetae so I already shifted it to your assigned room." Jimin was said to be the most innocent being today, trust me. Taehyung silently groaned at that, glaring at the midget who he claims as his friend but is a nothing but a real spawn of satan himself.


"What, obviously to not get both of you disturbed."

"I hate you."

"Well I am use to it now." Taehyung gave a last glaring look before he turned and stomped off to his own room.

Just today he has been able to see his bun after weeks and here he is not able to spend one freaking proper moment with him. How cruel!

"Nice try Mr. Park." Yoongi spoke, amused

"I am sad to say but I feel Taehyung will take his revenge in your own marriage." Yoongi whispered and chuckled lightly when he saw a faint pink ove Jimin's cheeks.

"T-that's another topic to discuss."

"As you say." Yoongi left, not before pecking his boyfriend's cheek though who was left shocked at the small yet sudden affection.

"I hate you hyung!"

"And I love you kitten!"

Jimin looked down, not wanting to give Yoongi the satisfaction to see he was blushing already.

"You both done?" He turned around and gasped silently.

"Wow Kookie, you look ravishing!" In there moment, they both didn't noticed when the door got opened.

Jungkook smiled and thanked.

"You go and change."

"Ahh no, am good." Jimin excuses

Jungkook raised an eyebrow

"Change hyung you clothes must be sweaty.......... or how else will hyung get jealousif not by seeing you in something hot?" Jimin widened his eyes when he saw Jungkook smirking, slowly giggling in an attempt to cover it off.

"Hehe I-"

"Come I will help you find one, I have already brought some extra if I planned to change my mind." Jungkook winked and drag Jimin in.

Nah, if Jimin can be the president of Taekook than he was also the CEO of Yoonmin.

(A/n:- sounds crazy
JK:- it's like that way only)

In a hurry, sorry~~~
Next will be smut I swear(i guess?)

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