20. Dear

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Taekook were just in there own moment when a snap of finger from behind made them to come out of there world.

"Sorry to break it but the wedding is gonna start!" Jisoo squealed

"Though I wish I could delay it cause you both were looking super cuteeeee but I can't!" She pouted. Yea, she was an unofficial member of the Taekook community but don't worry; soon she will be at the higher post by being official from the president a.k.a Park Jimin himself.

(Readers:- what?
A/n:- leave it so where did I left? Yea-)

The shy and the slightly annoyed male nodded and everyone took there seats

(A/n:- woo doo doo! Wedding is not my shit and you all know it~~)

"Now I would like to invite the groom to the stage!" The priest announced

A male in black suit nodded and stood up, going towards the stage with measurable steps while every passerby gave him a gentle smile of enthusiasm and encouragement.

"Soon the bride will arrive too!" Jisoo whispered to which Jungkook nodded slowly.

After a few minutes of the male standing at the stage, a wedding melody starts to play off and doors of the hall gets opened. The bride in her huge gown with some of her bridesmaids following her entered, eye casted down, having a small yet shy smile and faint blush on.

(A/n:- sorry to disturb but it's taking every inch of my cell to not just write 'and they got married and shit and lived happily ever after!' Ahhhhhhh!)

The groom smiled towards her and lifted his hand ahead, helping her in climbing the stage as the bride shyly took it and stood infront of him.

The groom smiled towards her and lifted his hand ahead, helping her in climbing the stage as the bride shyly took it and stood infront of him

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(Weeeezzzzzz *sorry the author has lost her mind*)

"In the holy presence of lord and all people present here, I request you to say your vows." The priest announced

Eunmin took a deep breath to clam her nerves and slowly started.

"I, Kang Eunmin, take you, Seong Ryunsuk, to be my husband. I promise to be faithful to you, in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health, to love you and to honor you all the days of my life." Eunmin smiled and stared at Ryunsuk who reflected it.

"Now the groom."

"I, Seong Ryunsuk, take you, Kang Eunmin, to be my wife. I promise to be faithful to you, in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health, to love you and to honor you all the days of my life."


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