55. Nice Meeting You Mr. Kim

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A/n:- just studied the law by Gay Loisers something in chemistry. My mind is fucked up💀

"Bye...." Taehyung smiles as he see offs Jungkook, a feeling of deja vù surrounding the air, but this time the situation was a little changed.

"I can stay... you know.." Jungkook whispered lowly, just for Taehyung to listen it, who stares back at him with a soft gaze.

"I am all fine Red, don't worry."


It was the day when Taehyung and Jungkook went around the city for there Paris Date. There date ended happily with them going around some arcades and Kid's toys makeup factory like family places with cherry on top being the romantic dinner under star gazing sight on the rooftop of the restro Taehyung booked for them.

It was all going good, until they were interrupted with Taehyung's phone ringing all of a sudden.

Seemingly urgent, Taehyung apologised and excused himself after getting an assurance from the younger.

Jungkook, totally bored from sitting ideal way too long took his phone out to kill his time.

It had been a long time since he checked up his social media and news bulletins so as the time being an excuse, he opens the news app downloaded on his phone, whose notifications were off ever since 'Taehyung's engagement' news broke out.

But what left him to an eerie shock was the news updates stated about his husband.

Oh no!

He was such an irresponsible husband that he was not even knowing what was going on in his husband's life!

He felt dumb, stupid

It took a moment for him to process the whole thing before he gulps his emotions up, keeping his phone aside as his mood died down

He internally felt disappointed within himself. How can this even happen? He felt sympathy for the elder couple.

He was within his own thoughts, overthinking about the situation when Taehyung came back.

He sat in front of the younger with a huge grin, only to get confused at the frowning male in front. He snapped his finger, making Jungkook flinch slightly at the action.

"You okay?" Taehyung asked

"Ahmm.... yea, let's start the dinner." Jungkook didn't knew how to start the convo about such a sensitive topic, he let's it slip for now.

Taehyung wasn't convinced yet he smiles and nodded.

The dinner went with a little chit chat and flirty talks, ending with Taehyung earning a very much reward needing kiss, making him smile in delight.

After the tasteful yet teaseful dinner, they went to an ice cream parlour on younger's demand, who was Taehyung to deny him.

"I will bring the orders, wait here." Taehyung stood as he informed once there table name was called out.

He went away. Jungkook sat still in his place, eyes never leaving his husband's figure who moved to the counter not so far. Somewhere, he slowly found himself again dwelling on his previous thoughts..

"Hey Jungkook!" An Englishmen calls him out. He looks towards the source of the voice, only for him to get surprised to see Robert there.

"Oh hi Mr. Robert." He stood up and greeted politely

"Strange, I saw you in the arcade this eve and now coincidently we met again, is it destiny?" Robert gave a suggestive smirk and sat in front of Jungkook who returned a smile which didn't reached his eyes.

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