29. Fiancée

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Next day...

Taehyung hummed softly, feeling something soft tickling his neck. He remembered he slept last night cuddling to his babybun but.......... does Jungkook somewhat had a secret pet which he was unaware of?!

He groaned lightly when he felt someone biting his sweet spot, making him curl his toes as it took every refrain of his self esteem to not whimper at the pleasurable pain.

He shot his eyes opened when he felt the kisses trailing down, only to find a coconut head of silky hairs on his neck.

"What are you doing babe hmmmm...." Taehyung hummed as he liked the feeling of younger's sharp bunny teeth over his skin.

Jungkook didn't replied but continued his work. He hummed in content when he felt it was enough and looked up.

"Good morning hyungie!" He smiled his bunny smile, too brighter than usual which screamed nothing but mischief.

"Hmm... morning baby..." Taehyung hummed, hugging his baby tightly as he wanted to sleep more.

"Sleep it's 7 a.m. only...."

"Your office?"

"Starts at 9 a.m...."

Taehyung nuzzled his nose over younger's jaw, feeling content by having him in his arms.

Jungkook pouted, "but I have to go hyung. I have a meeting with one of my client."

Taehyung groaned

"Fuck the damn meeting. Your fiancée need you, won't you do it wifey?"

"Shut up!" Jungkook blushed hard, knowing damn well Taehyung was doing all this to coax him.

"Is it not working?"


Taehyung pouted but left him, "I hate you!"

"I know you do." Jungkook giggled and slipped out, leaving an irritated yet sleep deprived Taehyung back.

"Who have meeting at fucking 7 in the morning!"

"Owner of JK Designs does!"

"One day I will fuck the brain out of him that he will forget every damn meeting of his!"

Taehyung smirked peacefully and closed his eyes, knowing damn well that younger is a whole tomato right now.

"You have a meeting Mr. Jeon."

"O-on it."

Jungkook gulped and went to the bathroom having a quick shower and coming out, fully dressed in his office wear.

He saw that Taehyung was still sleeping, more like acting to sleep as he saw Taehyung was squeezing his eyes hard as if trying to oversmart the younger

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He saw that Taehyung was still sleeping, more like acting to sleep as he saw Taehyung was squeezing his eyes hard as if trying to oversmart the younger.

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