13. Mafia

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"How was work pretty?" Taehyung asked with a small smile as Jungkook settled down in the car and to say the said latter did not blushed would be an understatement.

"G-good" Jungkook spoke shyly, new to these relationship things and pet names.
Not gonna lie, he heard Taehyung giving him pet names earlier too but now.... it feels different. It just makes his tummy to erupt with a huge swarm of butterflies.

V chuckled at his cute boyfriend and pecked his cheeks who widened his eyes as his blush deepened as he looked down in shyness



"Why would you do that?!" He whinned

"A welcome kiss bun....... and it was on the cheeks." Taehyung spoke with a small yet unnoticeable smirk and turned straight, starting the car.

Jungkook looked up with a small smile...

"Where are we going?"

"Somewhere......" V spoke mischievously

"I hate it when you hide things from me." Jungkook spoke, pouting unconsciously which Taehyung noticed from his peripheral vision but ignored, not trying to give in easily.

"Uh huh, M' not telling." He spoke in a teasing way

Jungkook huffed at that, ready to speak again but got interrupted as Taehyung's phone rang.

"Please bun can you pick it up." Taehyung requested, driving through the straight and clear highway.

Jungkook nodded and picked it up, call automatically getting connected with the car's screen.

Taehyung looked at the screen and smiled


"The date is finalized and the wedding will be after two days from now. Pack your stuff and come on time." Jisoo informed while Taehyung tsked

"That bitch is this much excited...." he muttered under his breath which the younger heard.

"No bad word hyungie." He whispered-scold, making Taehyung to mumble a small apology back, not for saying the bad word but to disappoint the younger....

Can we all just pretend that he is not a fearless yet ruthless mafia here?

"Hello? You there Taehyung?" Jisoo inquired

"Yea mom don't worry." Taehyung grumbled

"Why so grumpy son?"

"I have to leave my work for this useless Marriage." He said while looking at Jungkook who looked at the other side, smiling a little as he knew what Taehyung meant by work.

"So work is more important for you than this marriage huh?! Listen, Eunmin called and said that she is ready, I don't need your opinion on this so you better be here or forget that you have a mother."

"Dramatic as always...."

"Will see who is dramatic dear son. Now be on time. AND YEA!!"

"M' listening no need to shout."

"Bring Jungkook too." Jungkook looked at the screen in confusion

"She knows me?" He whispered to Taehyung who shrugged his shoulders.

"Eunmin must have opened her big mouth." He whispered back

"Why should I?" Taehyung asked her

"I wanna meet him"

"How do you know him?"

"Eunmin told" Taehyung made a face which said(screamed) 'I knew it' to which the younger giggled lightly.

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