5. Approved by Jimin

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Next day
11 a.m.
IcyFlame's main building

"This is it....." Jungkook sighed to himself and went inside the building.

He was..... a little nervous, thinking that maybe yesterday he was behaving a little childish and Taehyung must have got annoyed with his attics.
Yesterday..... he spend most of his time thinking about his all of sudden outing with Taehyung..... making him feel giddy inside when he recalled some of the not so friendly moments but....
Pushing the thoughts aside he entered and was met with an eye-blinding smile of Stacy.

"Hello Mr. Jeon, nice to meet you again." She said with a playful smile.

"You had fun with the meeting yesterday I guess?" She teased. Of course she knew that Taehyung was out with Jungkook the whole day yesterday as Taehyung must have informed her, Jungkook thought to himself.

Before he could reply a man came, wearing a suit, having a straight look on.

Before he could reply a man came, wearing a suit, having a straight look on

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"O-oh hello Mr. Park." Stacy stuttered, a little fear evident in her voice, making Jungkook wonder who he was?

"Hmm... I came here to see and escort Mr. Jeon." Jimin said, eyes darting straight towards Jungkook, making him feel a little scared as the man seemed very intimidating.

"Come Mr. Jeon. We have a lot to...... discuss." Jimin said and turned around and walked.

"Who is he?" Jungkook whispered to Stacy as he can't help but feel scared from the man.

"He is Mr. Kim's Sceratary... you go and follow or else we both will be doomed." Stacy spoke hurriedly and signs Jungkook to move who nodded and moves- runs behind the man.

"You are slow Jeon." Jimin remarks as they both entered inside the lift. The said boy pouted slightly, offended, which Jimin noticed but didn't showed, internally cooing at the cute male.

"M' sorry Mr. Park."

"Jimin or hyung will be fine Jungkook." Jimin spoke, with a small smile, making Jungkook to widen his eyes at the sudden change in his behaviour. Duality of Park Jimin is unpredictable.

"Mr. Park- hyung- Jimin.. I-" he shuts his mouth, internally whining as he just made himself look like a fool as Jimin chuckled.

"Infront of our employees.... we gotta work a little strict and professional Jeon. Don't worry you will get use to it."

'Why should I get use to it? I am here for a short period of time only, right?'

"BTW how was your day yesterday with Taehyung?" The lift got opened and they moved out; walking through the long corridor of the spacious building.

"I-..... it was good." Jungkook replied

"You still scared of me?"

"I have never met someone as scary as you and Mr. Kim." Jungkook said truthfully and sighed, making Jimin laugh at his statement.

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