47. Something's fishy

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10:30 a.m.

"Breakfast is ready~" Jimin sing songed as he and Yoongi placed the dishes in the dining table

"How's your ankle Kook?" Jimin smiled, though concerned

"It's fine Jimin hyung, it would heal till afternoon so we can go for trekking in the evening." Jungkook smiled

Yoongi and Jimin shared a glance before they sighed

"Jungkook, it is OK if we didn't went for the trek. Your ankle was not in a good condition last night, it's better if you would rest." Yoongi advices

"Yes, you should rest for today Kook." Jimin supported

"Uh huh, I am great. I can even show you a proper walk now." Jungkook argued

"But Kook-"

"We are going and that's final. Period."

Jimin sighed

'This Kim couple is stubborn'

He smiled at the thought

"OK, but now, have your breakfast." He concluded

"I will go and call Taehyung from his office." He adds further and leaves

Yoongi sighed and took a seat infront of the younger who was happily devouring his shake

"Being stubborn isn't good JK." He spoke strictly which the younger swiftly ignored


Jimin knocks the door twice before he entered

"You done with work?"

"Almost" Taehyung signed some papers fastly

"Come down, we are waiting for you."

"Hmm, so how was your bottom's night out yesterday?" Taehyung looked up and gave a small, mischevious smile

"That's what you called that right?"

"Well......." Jimin sweated

It was Yoongi's idea so as to not make Taehyung notice anything about yesterday's accident.

"We had fun, I think we should do that more often." Taehyung scoffed

"Like hell I will let you again."

Jimin grinned, he swiftly dodged the situation

"Now tell me" Taehyung fakes a smile, "what is it you guys are hiding?"

Or maybe not....

"Ahm, I don't know what you are talking about." Jimin whistled mindlessly

"You seem nervous hyung."

"I am not."

Taehyung stood up

"Let's go, we have to go for your trip in the eve too." He walk ahead and stood beside Jimin

"You should know you are a terrible lier hyung." Taehyung said coldly and moved ahead

Jimin paled at his place, he knew he should be careful with his body language around Taehyung yet...

He's done for sure

"Come hyung, we have to get our breakfast done. I am excited to meet my baby after these nerve wrecking 9 hours of detachment~" Taehyung cheered and went down.

"We are doomed." Jimin muttered as he followed behind

"Bunnyyyyyyyy!" Taehyung cheered and took the seat beside his husband, pecking his cheeks and lips countlessly, making Jungkook giggle at elder's adorable actions

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