15. Fucking Sandwich

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Few days later...
7:46 a.m.

"Wake up sleepy head!" Yoongi exclaimed, totally expecting the younger to sleep till now as it was weekends.

"Whattttttt...." Jungkook groaned, pushing his head deep into his pillow to sleep more but whining when it got snatched away.

"Wakeup Jungkook!"

"Whyyyyy! It's weekend!"

"You forgot what is today?"

Jungkook opened his eyes sleepily.


"I can't with this kid." Yoongi muttered to himself.

"You have a wedding to attend Mr. Sleeping Beauty." He remarks with a very sarcastic smile, eyes pouring anger.

"You will get late! Taehyung will be here to pick you up by 8:30 if you remember." Jungkook widened his eyes in horror and in a pinch of seconds was seen hopped out of his bed, running to his attached bathroom.

"Why didn't you wake me up earlier!"

"Was it my job? Be thankful that I came early to do a check on you or else god knows how you would have embarrassed yourself infront of your boyfriend." Yoongi clearly heard a loud whine from behind the door, making him sigh at his brother's attics.

"I atleast expect that you have packed your stuff already, have you?"

The door got opened and the face of the younger popped out, having a toothbrush between his lips as he smiled cheekily.

"Gosh Kook!"


"Fine. Get ready fast!" Jungkook nodded and closes the door while Yoongi sighed.

"What am I going to do of this brat aishhh!" He packed his necessary stuff anyway, rechecking it to see if he had missed anything.

Till the time he was done Jungkook came out, wearing his bathrobe while drying his hairs with a towel.

"You done with shower. Be quick and get ready only 10 mins are left; I will prepare a quick breakfast till than."

"Don't forget my banana milk eomma!"

"Who are you calling eomma kid?! Do I look like one!"

"Yes eomma!"

Yoongi grumbled, muttering profanities to himself while going out, leaving a giggling bunny behind.

"Stop laughing and start getting ready brat!"

"Aye aye captain!"

"Shut the fuck up Kook!"

In return only a melodious laugh of the said human was heard, making Yoongi sigh for the nth time.

He fastly prepared some sandwiches, along with some small snacks as both the lovers were going by car.

He was almost done with the packing when the doorbell rang.

"Hyung please look after it! M' not done yet!"

"Yea yea I am your fucking servant." Yoongi groaned and went towards the door. He opened it and was flushed with a huge bouquet of red roses right infront of his face.

 He opened it and was flushed with a huge bouquet of red roses right infront of his face

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