21. I want this

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Throughout the whole car ride back to the mansion, Taehyung didn't spoke a single word out which made Jungkook a little nervous as what was the hot headed male up to.

Once they reached Taehyung got out of the car and took long strides towards younger's side, opening it and pulling him in a bridal style, making the male to yelp at the sudden action.

"Hyungie!" He pouted and looked at his boyfriend who was looking straight, face void of emotion.

His hands were wrapped around his neck for support but still he couldn't help but hide his face in Taehyung's chest as all the maids eyed them(him specifically) in surprise.

"Stop eyeing my beauty until and unless you all wanna lose your sight!" One warning from an angry Taehyung and everyone nodded fearfully, immediately moving back to there work.

"Don't feel nervous bun, I am here." He slowly whispered in comfort, face still emotionless.

Jungkook looked at him innocently, not knowing why his hyung is one time angry at him and another time so caring for him.

'You always surprise me Kim Taehyung...'

He could still sense that the elder's anger was back after it got faze for a moment.

Once they reached there room Taehyung kicked the door opened and closed it the same way, not letting the still pouty male to step down on his feet.

He took him to there bed and layed him down a little roughly as he immediately hovered over him after.

"What was that stunt you play there?"

"I don't know what you are talking about?" Jungkook asked innocently.

"You know what I mean bun...... no one, I repeat no one can touch something which belongs to Kim Taehyung and you.... are someone people have to think twice before touching." Jungkook shivered at the deep husky voice of the male, making him feel giddy inside.

"But he is your cousin."

"I don't give a damn about that thing....."

"Getting possessive Mr. Kim?"

"Don't test me red.... you don't what and how you may end up with." Jungkook blushed and look down.


"I what bunny?" Taehyung slowly opened the first few buttons of younger's shirt, making him have a clear view of his pale collarbone.

"You love teasing me, don't you?" Taehyung slowly nuzzaled his nose over younger's sensitive neck, making him arch his back a little from the sensation.

"Trust me when I saw you laughing with that fucker I felt nothing but rage..." Jungkook whimpered when he felt Taehyung giving licking over his weak spot, making the elder to chuckle darkly at finding it soo quickly.

"But than...... when he smirked at me I exploded." Jungkook moaned lowly when he felt Taehyung sucking and biting his neck roughly, making him feel a strange pain yet pleasure from the sensation.

"Trust me I am a very patient man but when it comes to you...... I always find myself breaking my own rules..." Taehyung whispered darkly just below Jungkook's ear before he licks and bites it a little, making the boy feel the sides of his eyes getting wet.



"What are you doing to me?" The question was innocent yet powerful, making Taehyung chuckle at the cute and naive boy under him.

"Sometimes I find myself asking the same about you bun.." Jungkook whinned and tried to hide his face in Taehyung's chest who laughed at his cuteness.

"What happen bun? I thought you loved being vocal."

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