23. Past

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The car ride to somewhere where Taehyung was taking was silent... until....

"What you spoke at the cemetery was a joke right?" Jungkook asked(whispered), more like to himself as he was still not able to grasp the new yet sudden confession properly.

Taehyung tightened his grip around the steering. His jaw clenched hardly as look ahead with cold look.

"I never joke bun, not when I was talking to your beloved there...."

Jungkook looked at Taehyung with a hurt look, eyes screaming nothing but betrayal.


Taehyung didn't responded and continued to drive.

"Why didn't you told about this earlier.... and if you were not wanting to than why now?" Jungkook didn't care if his emotions were cleared through his tone, sad and betrayed, he doesn't really.

Taehyung slowly parked is car in front of what seems to be a park, a beautiful yet empty one to be exact.


"Come out." It was not a demand but an order, something Taehyung had never really done with his bunny...

Jungkook stared at Taehyung's face, his eyes to be specific but couldn't muster up to find one emotion in them. He gave up and went out.

Taehyung also got out and went towards him, taking his hand on his own and entering the park.

(Further some pictures of the park are there to help you for better visualization)

"Once upon a time, there lived a mafia group, owned by two main alliances, The Jeons and The Mins." Jungkook frowned at Taehyung's words, not knowing why is he talking like this as they both walked through the park's entrance way

" Jungkook frowned at Taehyung's words, not knowing why is he talking like this as they both walked through the park's entrance way

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"From Jeon's, Jeon Yeechul and from the Min's, Min Yeona." Jungkook widened his eyes when he realised it was his father's and mother's name.

"Hyung they-"

"Uh huh, don't speak now my little bunny, you will get it just let me finish." Taehyung spoke with a small yet unnoticeable smile which soon turned straight.

"They both runned the mafia and were the top most leading gang of Busan, along with having some major parts of Korea under there control."

There steps never fazured as they walked through the park. Jungkook could see some red flower bushes coming into his view.

 Jungkook could see some red flower bushes coming into his view

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