46. Don't tell him

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After a full 2 weeks honeymoon, the Kim couple were back from Jeju....

Taehyung did his major business, training Jungkook well for self defense and attacks so that when time comes, he could beat a certain someone......

And Jungkook did his major business, making Taehyung agree for the planned forest trip with the Yoonmin couple. Taehyung was a little feisty at first but Jungkook knew his ways, ways of how he ended up limping for two days straight yet getting a successful victory

In short, it was fun. But was up to come in future, was unpredictable.......

"I am tired......" Jungkook pouted as he opens the door of there room, ready to get into the bed real quick.

Taehyung chuckled

"Have some sleep bun, Yoongi hyung and Jimin hyung will be here soon. We have to pack our clothes for the trekking too." Jungkook nooded sleepily and jumps into the bed

"Wake me uwpppp once.... once they come." He slept

Taehyung smiled and went down, only for it to disappear when he saw the peoples sitting in the drawing room

"Mr. V" Jisoo greeted formally

"You both are here on time I see." Taehyung drawled as he took a seat on the sofa infront of the two standing elders, making them sit once he was settled

"We are in a sudden urgency of this money Mr. V, try to cooperate with us." Bo-Hyun said tightly

"Ohhhh father... the money is not running anywhere." Taehyung took his phone out and looks at the time, keeping it aside on the couch afterwards

"Please Mr. V, we have to-"

"I told you both that this matter will be settled down once I am free with my stuff, didn't I?" Taehyung smiled, a one which spoke volumes

"You both don't love your life much I suppose."

Both the elders took a deep intake of breath, horrified

Taehyung looked into both of the individuals faces with a strict look before he smiled and broke into a laugh

"Goshhhh I was kidding, you can trust me."

He smiled appealingly

"You both go and have a little fun with your holidays, god knows when it might come again?" Taehyung raised an eyebrow in fake suspicion

"O-OK Mr. V, sorry to disturb you....." Jisoo spoke hurriedly as both the elders stood up

"Hmm..... hope to not see you both soon." Taehyung said and smiled, gesturing them to leave, which was immediately followed

Once they were out, Taehyung sighed and called for a maid

"Haejin, get me a glass of water!"

"Yes Mr. Kim."

The maid went in the kitchen to do so

Taehyung layed backs comfortably and stretches his arms out. He picks his phone up from earlier and checks his messages

Your work will be done Mr. V

"Good" Taehyung smiled and kept his phone back at it's previous place, laying his head back as he closes his eyes to relax

"Water Mr. Kim" Taehyung opened his eyes and looks at the maid

"Keep it here and open the TV."

"Yes Mr. Kim."

The maid kept the glass in front of Taehyung, on the glass table and opens the TV

"Put the news channel on."

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