12. Look at Me My Love

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"I called Mrs. Kim yesterday Taehyung." Eunmin announced as she and Taehyung were in a cafe right now.

"And?" He asked boringly

"For once be serious with me Taehyung, it's marriage we are talking here." Eunmin said, annoyed with the male's behaviour.

Taehyung stared at her for a minute before he sighed and nodded

"Make it quick, I have work."

Eunmin pouted but spoke,

"She said... Mr. Kim has taken care of everything.... all we need is just our yes to this marriage." Taehyung nodded

"So what have you decided?" He asked, damn serious

"I...... want this."

"Be sure Eunmin.... you know you can't back off after this."

Eunmin nodded

"M' willing Taehyung.... I want this."

Taehyung seems to be in his thought, thinking about something specific before they got disturbed

"I hope so I didn't made you both wait much?" A boy asked, standing beside Taehyung

"Oh no no Ryun, we just talking about the marriage only, please sit."

"I will be leaving than." Taehyung said and stood up

"Oh no Taehyung please sit, you always do this. Can't you give us some of your time too?" Ryunsuk requested

"I am sorry Ryunsuk but this is urgent, gotta go." Taehyung said and left

"Leave him Ryun, he is always like this..... maybe after our marriage it will get good." Eunmin said with a smile, cheeks slightly blushy.

Ryunsuk smiled and nodded

"I hope so...."


"Oh god I am late!" Taehyung said and roughly drives the car, not giving a damn to traffic rules and safety.

(A/n:- you will die you know?
V:- I am not afraid )


"Cause I already chose and love the one for me........"
Taehyung spoke with a smile, looking straight into younger's eyes, which widened in confusion.

"Yo-you lo-love someone else?" Taehyung smiled and nodded

'Just don't be naive for this once bun'.


'Never mind... I like you more for your innocence.'

"That's.... a secret."

Jungkook pouted and huffed at that

"You said I am your friend than why are you hiding it?"

"Who knows you will turn out to be someone who will tease me too the core after knowing it?" Taehyung said with a fake suspicious look.

"Atleast give me some hints hyungieeee..." Jungkook whinned

'I am already trying my best bun'

"He is someone really close to me..... someone whom I admire, love.... not for who he is but for what he turned me into...." Taehyung smiled and looked forward, not noticing how a sad look took over younger's feature once he turned.


"He is someone who became soo precious to me in just a small span of time that even I didn't recognise...... you know, I realised my love for him when I saw my wedding rumour in your phone. Thanks for that bun."

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