30. Oh girl....

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Disclaimer:- harassment ahead!

"Ms. Lin" Jungkook chuckled, "won't you entertain me now?"

"I told you Taehyung is mine!" The girl spat angrily, not trying to mask her emotions anymore.

Something in Jungkook's eyes flicked at the claim as he turned serious, earlier mischief nowhere to be found.

"So we are getting straight to the point I see..."

"There is nothing to beat around the bush, Taehyung is mine so you better back off!" Girl spoke stubbornly

Jungkook raised an eyebrow in amusement. The girl still has the audacity to claim his man right infront of him huh?

'Oh lady you chose the wrong man to claim yours....'

Jungkook sighed

"I thought maybe warning you will be ok but seems like you are a rock headed one. No problem." A small smile took place over his features.

He slowly pushed his chair back and stood up, straightening his coat as he walks to the long ceiling to floor touching window of the office.

"Weren't the marks enough for you to understand huh?" Jungkook shaked his head in disapproval as he looked down through the window.

"You are just a slut Taehyung is using for his needs. Once he gets satisfied he will leave you!"

"Is that really the case?" Jungkook looked at her and blinked his eyes innocently.

"You!" The girl angrily marched towards the boy who remained unfazed, not trying an ounce to cascade his emotions which says that he was clearly uninterested.

"You don't know me Jeon! It won't take me a second to ruin you!" The girl growled out at an irritatingly high pitched voice.

"Aish, atleast have some mercy on my poor little ears lady." Jungkook pouted

If this was a cartoon than you would have been already seeing animated streams of anger and jealousy bust busting out of Lin's ear.

"You slut! How dare you talk to me like that!" Lin raised her hand and moved in fastly to slap the younger but; it got stopped in the midway as a hand holded her wrist firmly.

It was non other than...

(A little guess!)

Jeon Jungkook himself

"Ah huh! Violence was never in the option." Jungkook said coldly before he twisted her hand and twirled the girl around and pressed her front harshly against the glass wall, having her one arm holded firmly behind her back as he stood behind her, having a tight grip against it.

"I am not as easy as you think Lin." Jungkook whispered darkly, making the girl squirm in his hold as her arm pained.

"Le-leave me!"

"Till now you barked your nonsense and I listened it like a good person I am *chuckles darkly* but that doesn't make you think I am weak and harmless. Does it?" Lin shivered in fear, the corner's of her eyes spilling tears of pain and frustration.

"I tried to talk to you so nicely yet what you did." Jungkook tsked before he twirled her to the front, making her back to come in contact with the glass wall harshly.

Lin gasped for air, feeling her neck getting chocked tightly by younger's hold around it.

"Mistake number 1, you setted your eyes on my man." The grip tightened as Jungkook angrily glared at the gasping girl.

"Mistake number 2, you claimed him yours without his knowledge infront of his employees, how shameful." The girl yelped in pain as the girl around her wrist tightened.

"Mistake number 3, even after knowing that he is committed you still got the audacity to claim him as yours." Lin wailed loudly, feeling her wrist getting twisted harshly.

"Mistake number 4, you were a fool to follow me here as this area has no security cameras observing it." Jungkook's voice dripped pure venom, his eyes darken with anger yet his face remained cold.

"Don't you know? Doing these many mistakes can cost your life Ms. Lin."

"Ple-please *chockes* leave me I-I can-can't breathe."

"Trust me you were lucky that I love my hyung enough to invade his party right than or God knows where you would have end till now."

"M-Mr. Jeon pl-please leave me!"

"Slut huh?! Let me tell you than." Jungkook leaned a little and smiled, " Kim Taehyung's world revolves around this slut and the day it will stop will only be the day when whole universe will!"

Lin tightly clutches her free hand around Jungkook's hold, trying a fragile attempt to remove it but who was she kidding? The man infront was more stronger than her.

Jungkook looked at her face and shakes his head in disappointment, seeing her already blue turning features, "tsk, so fragile. I expected a tough competition."

He released her, making the girl to slide against the glass as she panted loudly to normalize her breath.

"Since I am too generous, you should be thankful to me." Jungkook spoke plainly as he squats down.

"And since I am too kind." He smiled, "I am lending you one more favour, resign from this company on you own tomorrow or it won't take me a second to clash your career down." Lin looked at him with teary eyes, her mascara smudged against her cheek, making her look horrible.

"Always remember, never eye something which belongs to Jeon Jungkook." Jungkook smiled but the girl could clearly identify the warning laced in it.


"Ye-yes sir!"

"Good girl. Now go, I don't want to ruin my mood more by seeing your pathetic face." Jungkook stood up and dusted his coat, raising an eyebrow when he saw the girl still sitting there in fear. The girl immediately stood up and ran away, scared of him.

Jungkook smiled innocently and again went to his previous seat.

He heard a knock on the door, making him confused.

"Can I come in Mr. Jeon?"

He smiled widely in recognition and yelled an excited 'yes!' out.

The door got opened and a chuckling male entered.

"You done with Lin?"

"Yep! How was your meeting, or should I say your round over your employees?" Jungkook stood up and let's Taehyung sit on his chair, hopping right after as he sits in HIS chair, linking his arms around elder's neck as ge nuzzled his nose over his colorbone, humming in content when he inhaled his favorite scent.

"It was good." Taehyung chuckled when he felt his bunny licking his neck, making him feel lightly ticklish.

"Jimin said he saw your 'show' through the cameras but was not able to see whole."

"Ah we had a little violent scene over the window." Jungkook rested his head over Taehyung's shoulder.

"Did she hurt you?" Taehyung asked coldly, worried

"You think so?"

"Nah, my bun is strong."

"Correct!" Jungkook giggled and pecked his fiancée's plumy lips.

"It's not enough red!"

"Let me give you enough than."

And that's how the whole office resonates with sloppy and mushy sounds of kisses, yikes!!!!

Imagine that the comment section is Jeon Jungkook's search history!

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