53. Was it Taehyung?

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Taehyung pokes his tongue inside his cheek at the text

He's not alone, his husband is there.

"Only if it was not for the plan, I would have killed you way too soon Jeon."

Jeon Jongsuk
Huh? How do you know Mr. V?


ave way good spies than you fucker. Now you better not disturb me, or I can't guarantee your life anymore. I know how to do my work.

"Taehyung come!"


Taehyung simply blocks the contact and leaves.

"I miss him....."

"You will meet him soon."

"There are still 4 days to go...." Jungkook sighs

Yoongi looked at his brother and chuckled

"Wanna go out?"

"I would love distractions!"

"Great. I saw a nice library out there. Maybe reading could help?" Yoongi suggests

"Let's go than."

They left for the mentioned place.

"Wow" Jungkook awwed at the big place

"Shall we?"


They went in

"I will be around there. You select your preferable book, I will catch up with you soon." The older said and bids his leave.

Jungkook's eyes roams around the place, until he selected a spot of eye catching books.

He went there and roams around, looking for any book which he could read with interest.

He took a book in hand and read it's tittle.

"Mafia's Cute CEO, I read this alreadyyyyyyyyyy. I wish I hadn't, it's just so good to read that I would like to start from the new...." he sighs and keeps the book back.

"I wish I could meet it's author one day." He wishes with a sigh

(Readers:- 😊😀💀
A/n:- continueeeee!)

He went ahead and looked for more.

"Innocent Love? I will see it once I will be back to Korea, this needs my special attention, not some time pass." Jungkook smiles and keeps the book back

He was looking and going through some books when a book infront of him was taken from the other side, making him glance up at the action.

"Oh sorry I disturbed you, I thought this is something else." The man other side apologised hurriedly and keeps the book back, leaving a dumbfounded Jungkook

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