11. I love my love

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10:45 a.m.

"I seriously don't know what you are doing with your life Taehyung." Jimin sighed and passes the file.

"Doing life progress I guess?" Taehyung answered with a shrug

"It's going towards downfall."

"Why do you always have to bring the marriage in our conversation, I am sick of this."

"And I am sick of you, do whatever you want but make it quick and easy for once and for all."


"Eunmin called, she said she has gone to meet Ryunsuk."

"Why informing me than?! Meet him as much as she wants I don't care." Taehyung grumbled

Jimin raised his eyebrow questionably in suspicion

"Jungkook's cousin, Yoongi is trying to set him up on a blind date-"

"What the fuck! Cancel it right now, call our hackers or do whatever shit but make sure Jungkook doesn't meet anyone until and unless he is his brother." Taehyung growled in possessively.

"You can't control his life."

"I can!"

"Who are you?"

"I am his-....... I am the one who loves him the most."

Jimin sighed



"Just wanted to check your reaction." Jimin shrugged

"Jungkook's blind date?"

"Was an excuse to test you, now I would like to leave, don't forget the meeting which will be happening tonight." Taehyung huffed but nodded anyway.

4 p.m.

"Ok babe see you soon." Eunmin said and pecked her boyfriend's lips who smiles and nodded.

She smiled happily and moves out of the cafe, only to see V present there, sitting in his car.

She frowned and moves in

"You here?"

"Mom said to pick you up from your so called meeting.... her sources are just so strong."

She chuckled

"Oh poor husband such a tiring job, isn't it."

"Shut it arghh.... how was your meeting with your Ryunsuk?" He asked as he drives.

"It was good... we had fun all day." she replied with a smile, remembering her sweet moments.

"Stop smiling it's irritating."

"What got you soo grumpy hubby?" Taehyung cringed at the name, wishing it would have been Jungkook in place of Eunmin instead.

"You want me to drop you in the middle?"

"Fine grumpy ass" Eunmin muttered

The drive was silent until Eunmin spoke again

"What about our marriage Taehyung?" Taehyung sighed

"I told you we have to wait-"

"But I can't anymore!" Eunmin pouted

"Talk to mom than, don't fucking eat my ears!" Taehyung announced and drives.

"Will Jungkook come?" Taehyung really wanted to just shot the girl for being soo noisy but can't, all thanks to his dear mom....

"I-..... don't know."

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