Chapter 1

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"Grace, Grace," my head designer and my partner in crime were calling my name. I was busy finalising my last few designs. I looked up from my book when she appeared at my office door.

"What?" I asked with raised brows.

"It's lunchtime, and we're all heading out for lunch. You should join us," she suggested with a smile on her lips. I looked at my wristwatch. It was already lunchtime. Once I get engrossed in my work, the hours pass like seconds.

"No, Evelyn, you guys go. I need to finalise these designs today. I will eat something afterward," I said with a small smile and went back to drawing my designs.

"Don't tell me you're going to eat a few nuts again in the name of lunch," she said while folding her hands around her chest and looking at me with narrowed eyes. I bit my lower lip and smiled sheepishly. She caught me.

Yup, that was my plan. 

"Are you on a stupid diet again?" She bombarded me with another question. My smile faded a little bit, but I covered it.

Yes, I was.

"Not at all. I will grab something after I'm done with my designs" I lied with my best acting skills and a huge smile on my face to convince her. She sighs and moves her head in dismay.

"How many times have I told you you don't need those stupid diets? You are perfect the way you are." She started to scold me like a mother hen. I rolled my eyes. It was an everyday routine for us.

"Don't you dare eat those dry fruits? I will grab a chicken sandwich for you on my way back," she warned me before leaving for lunch. I sighed once again and went back to my drawing. But I couldn't concentrate.

'You thought he would be interested in a fat girl like you. Look at yourself'

Those words echoed in my ear, and my grip on my pencil became tight. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. I tried to block those words, but they started to echo more loudly in my ear. I swallowed hard and blinked my eyes. I didn't want to remember those days. Those days were so dear to me, but at the same time, I wished they never happened. If it were in my hand, I would go back and slap myself for being so stupid and so naive. The memories of a particular day started to float in front of my eyes. I let go of my pencil, and it slipped from my hand and rolled onto my half-finished design. Closing my eyes, I rested back on my chair. I let myself once again be lost in those vivid memories, which I buried deep down in the depths of my heart.

"Have you seen him?" I heard a girl sitting on the desk in front of me asking her friend excitedly for something. I didn't lift my eyes and continued to complete my notes. Today I have to submit them to my physics teacher. She wants my notes. Being a top student in high school, every teacher wanted my notes. They were probably talking about a new student who has changed schools in the last year. It's too late for someone to change schools now. It won't look good on a college application. It only sums up the fact that he must be a troublemaker. It's better to stay away from such people. Unknowingly, I found myself thinking of this new guy. I don't even know his name. I sigh because I have distracted myself again.

"He is so handsome. I almost fainted when I saw him walking in the hallway with all his hotness." I heard her say it again. I know she must be fanning herself. 

"Lucky you. You got to see his face," her friend said in envy. It made her giggle as if she had won some trophy. I rolled my eyes and went back to complete my notes.

"I heard he is Xanthus's cousin," her friend said, and now this caught my attention. I stopped writing and looked up. Xanthus has a cousin. How do I not know him? 

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