Chapter 19

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"Why are you following me?" 

"Why! only you can follow people around?" he said sternly, but I could hear an amused tone to his question. All my interrogation rage puffed out when he said that. My face turned red when he said that. He is taunting me. 

"I don't follow people around," I said sternly with glaring eyes. 

"Yeah, you only follow me around," he again mocked, making a gasp leave my mouth. My face turns even redder. I made the biggest mistake by questioning him. I grinded my teeth and glared at him with narrowed eyes. I turned around and started to walk away. I should go home. He continued following me. Is he dropping me off or something? I was only five minutes' walk from the gate when a familiar car stopped beside me. It made me halt in my steps. The window rolled down, and I saw Dad sitting inside. 

"Get in," he said in a firm tone. 

"No, I will walk," I denied, and I was about to walk away. 

"Grace," Dad said sternly, making me clench my jaw. I walked to the car and opened the door. I turned to look at Erick, who was standing at a safe distance from me. He kept standing there with his hands in his pocket. He kept looking at me, but I averted my eyes from him and sat inside the car. The car started to move as soon as I closed the door. 

"Who was that guy?" my dad asked me in a firm tone. I saw his face after two months. I think I had even started to forget his face. Instead of asking how I'm doing, the first thing he decided to ask me was who that guy is. 

"He is Xsnthus's cousin. He was dropping me off," I said emotionlessly, and I looked out of the window, not wanting to talk anymore. 

"Is he your friend?" Dad continued his interrogation. Friend.  I don't know what we are. I didn't want to answer that question, but the prolonged silence after that question was making me anxious. 

"No," I said, still looking out of the window. The car stopped, and I immediately got out of it. I was walking to my room when I heard dad's happy voice. 

"How is my princess?" he asked, making Sabrina giggle loudly. At least she has a loving dad. I closed my door and slumped onto the bed. I didn't even bother to change my clothes, and I closed my eyes. A single tear slides down from the corner of my eyes. I brushed it away from the back of my hand. Turning around, I let sleep invade my eyes. I again saw Dad at breakfast, but I kept to myself the whole time. This time he didn't ask me any questions. Today I decided to get a gift for Erick. I went to the nearby mall with Isabella because she was the only one who was free. After roaming for an hour, I decided to buy a shirt for him. I don't know why I even brought a gift for that rude ass because you were at his birthday party empty-handed. My inner voice said Yeah, right, that's the only reason! 

The next day at school was the same. He was again ignoring me. It was for the best, but my heart just can't take it. Today I had a chemistry practical. I was now in my chemistry lab. I was the first one to come. I started to take out my practical book when my eyes fell on the paper bag. I had even brought his gift with me, but I don't know how to give it to him because he is not even looking my way. I sighed and continued scribbling in my journal. 

"Hey," Zack said, and slipped into the seat beside me. His presence pulled me out of my thoughts. 

"Hey," I said with a small smile on my face and sat properly. One by one, all the students started to walk into the lab. 

"I'm sorry for that day," I said with a sheepish smile on my face. I remember how rudely Erick talked to him. 

"Don't worry about it." I just wanted to tell you how I felt for a long time, but I think I chose the wrong time. 

"I should have known you already had a boyfriend," he said while scratching the back of his head. He misunderstood it. Erick is not my boyfriend. 

"No–"  Before I could clear up his misunderstanding, our teacher walked in. She started to explain today's experiment. The practical went by in a blur. 

"So class next, don't forget to submit your assignment," the chemistry teacher said after the practical was done. My gaze was on the door, and I saw Erick passing by. Today we didn't have a class together. I collected all my things and ran out of the lab. He took a left turn when I got out of the lab. I ran behind him. I caught his hand, making him stop in his tracks. He turned around and looked at me with a raised brow and at my hand, which was holding his wrist tightly. I let go of his hand and cleared my throat. Thank God there were not many students in this area. I pulled a paper bag from my backpack and put it forward for him. 

"What's it?" he asked with still-raised brows. 

"I didn't give anything to you on your birthday. It's your birthday gift," I said with a faint little smile on my face. He eyed the bag and then at me. 

"Grace," I hear Zack calling me from behind. I saw how Eric's jaw clenched when he looked behind me. He jogged towards us. 

"You forgot your journal," he said while handing it to me. I must have forgotten in a hurry. 

"Thank you," I smiled at him and took it. I turned around to see Erick walking away. God, why can't this man stand in one place for five minutes? He was walking out of the school at a fast pace, as if dogs were chasing him. He was making the best use of his long legs. I did my best to keep up with my short legs. If I want to give him his gift, I have to get him. I had to jog behind him to get him, but it was too late. He got into the car that was waiting for him at the gate. Where is he going in such a hurry? Is everything okay? Without thinking much, I stopped the taxi, and once I was inside, I asked him to follow. I don't know where I was going to end up, but I decided to follow him. 

I don't know whether I was brave or stupid enough to follow him. 

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