Chapter 12

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I can never let that happen, not even in my wildest dreams.

They left after some time. Once they left, I was drowning in my thoughts. I didn't know what to do. I don't even know why he agreed to marry me instead. So many thoughts and questions were arising in my head. I just couldn't think straight. My head started to hurt, so I decided to sleep it off. Whenever my head is heaving with thoughts to which I don't have an answer, I go to sleep. Sometimes I end up waking up with a solution. I hope it happens this time too. I tossed and turned on my bed and hoped for sleep to invade my eyes. Sleep was not coming to my eyes, maybe because I had just woken up from a good sleep. I took a deep breath to calm myself. My head was clogged with so many thoughts. I turned to my other side and closed my eyes. Instead of sleep, I found myself getting lost in my past once again.

The bell rang once again, and it was the end of another class. He again didn't show up for the class. I sigh and start to gather my things. I have not seen him since that day. I still remember our last encounter. It's been a week since then, and he has been avoiding me. Well, that's what I think, but why is he missing his class?

"You know there is an audition for cheerleaders today." I heard girls talking.

"I'm going to participate this year," said the other girl. It was none other than Aria and her friends talking. Cheerleader selections are fun. It's a fun event for guys. Most of them bunk their class for it.

"So what do you say? Let's go see the selection. After all, our next class is free," Evelyn said while nudging me with her shoulder.

"I need to stop at the library. I will join you later," I said, and I zipped my bag.

"Ok, I will be waiting for you," she said while getting up with me. Both of us walked in the opposite direction. The library was almost empty when I walked inside. The librarian was sleeping with her head resting on her hand. I sigh and pull my shoulders back with both my hands. I walked inside to get the book I wanted. I was searching through racks of books. I have one book, but I can't find another one. I walked to the next row of racks to find it, but my eyes widened in surprise and the book fell out of my hands, making a sound in the silent library. Two pairs of eyes looked at me, and one of them was an icy one. The girl smirked at me. I looked away.

"I-I'm sorry," I stuttered. I turned around and started to run. I didn't even bother to pick up the book that I dropped. My eyes sting a bit when what I saw just now started to play in front of my eyes. He was making out with one of the cheerleaders. I don't know why I felt a sting in my heart too. It's not like I caught my boyfriend making out with someone else. We have no relation between us, but still, I couldn't help but feel the pain of my heart breaking. I was running. I don't know which direction to go. A tear slides from the corner of my eyes. I was about to take a turn when my wrist was clasped in a firm grip and I was pulled to my chest. A familiar scent reached my nose, and it didn't take me even a second to recognize who was holding me. I tried to free myself, but his hand around my waist wouldn't let me out of his iron-like grip. I struggled to get out of his hold when suddenly he pulled me behind the pillar and pinned me to the wall. His icy cold eyes looked down at me, and in return, he got a glare from me. I held my tears which were threatening to fall from my glassy eyes. I looked away and tried to get out of his hold. I don't know what he was doing here. The only thing I knew was that I didn't want to see his face.

"Look at me," he said in dominance when I made no effort to look at him.

"Let me go," I said instead in my stern voice, still not looking at him.

"When I ask you to look at me, Then you should look at me," he said sternly. Dominance oozes out of each word. I felt a shiver run down my spine, but I still refused to listen to him.

"I'm not your slave to do as you say," I said in my mad voice. The scene I was in a few minutes ago kept playing in front of my eyes. It kept fueling my anger. His hold around my wrist was tight when I said that. He pushed both my hands above my head and held them in one hand. It made me wince because of the sudden pull in my arms. Callous fingers of his other hand gripped my chin and made me look at him. His jaw was clenched, and his icy blue eyes looked down at me with even more coldness in them.

"I never said that you are," he said sternly, looking straight into my eyes.

"Then stop this and let me go," I said in my mad voice. His jaw clenched again.

"She kissed me, and before I could push her away, you saw it," he said, looking straight into my glassy eyes. There were no emotions in his voice. My jaw clenched when he said that. My tears again threatened to fall. I was sceptical when he said that. He doesn't look like a person who goes around explaining his actions. He is not a pleaser. Then why is he explaining it to me? Even though I had my doubts, my heart felt at ease when he said that. I saw him pushing her the moment I walked into them, but what if he is making it up? My face turned sour again.

"Why are you telling me that?" I said sternly, looking straight into his icy blue eyes. A fading bruise was still on his left cheek and it did make him any less handsome than he is. I swallowed the lump that formed in my throat, keeping my emotions at bay. I don't know why I was feeling this pain in my chest. I closed my eyes, and tears slid down from the corner of my eyes even though I tried my best not to let them fall. He moved his face forward, and our noses were touching each other. I kept getting jitters in my body when he did that. He took a deep breath and wiped away my lone tear with his rough thumb pad.

"I don't want you to cry because of me," he whispered, and my heart skipped a beat. I opened my eyes and looked at him in surprise. More tears fell from my eyes. His words held comfort, and I couldn't help but feel it in my heart. Never had anyone cared for me. Growing up with not much warmth this feeling was so foreign to me that not even my dad made me feel like that. The feeling of being cared for. I just couldn't handle it. It scared me so much. I pulled my hand out of his hold, which had gone loose. I pushed him with all my might, making him stumble a bit. I ran away the very next second. The way he made me feel a range of emotions in just a few seconds and they scared me.

It scared me enough not to want to be around him anymore.

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