Chapter 89

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What am I doing with him on the bed?

The sleep vanished from my eyes. My vision was clear now. I moved my eyes all over the room and realisation hit me. I was in his room. My body reacted on its own. It tried to peel it away from him but his hold on my waist became tight. I put my hands on his bare chest trying my best to push him away from me. I was still a little bit surprised to find myself on the same bed as him. Suddenly I remembered the last time I was on this bed with him. The things he did to me. It made my whole body shiver. 

“What am I doing here?” I asked, still trying to push him away from me. I should be in my house not in his. I put a little pressure on my head and then I remembered the events that happened before I woke up here. Evelyn gets engaged, and then he takes me forcefully to his car, and then I fall asleep in his car. I remember how he was ignoring me. I was so angry at him before falling asleep. I looked down at myself. My eyes widened and my anxiety skyrocketed. 

“Why am I wearing your clothes?” I asked in the same tone. I removed the covers only to find myself wearing his big T-shirt. 

“Go back to sleep,” he said, pulling me back to his chest. I protested not letting him do it. 

“You changed my clothes?” I asked sternly, looking at him with my tear-filled green orbs. His cold blue eyes moved all over my face and his jaw clenched. He sat up making the sheets slide down exposing his bare chest. 

“Why does it matter? You were sleeping peacefully a few minutes ago. Go back to sleep” he said while moving his hand to pull me back to him. I slapped his hand away. I was angry not only at him but at myself too. I was sleeping comfortably in his arms. In the arms of a man whom I hate most. More angry tears formed in my eyes. 

“It matters to me. How dare you touch me in my sleep without my permission” I said in my mad voice. A big lump started to form in my throat. More tears welled up in my eyes. He pitched his nose and then looked up as if trying to control his anger. 

“You looked so uncomfortable in your tight dress,” he said in his explanation. More tears welled up in my eyes. I don't know why my emotions were so readily floating in my eyes at the moment. And an angry tear slides down from my eyes. 

“I would have preferred to get suffocated in my dress than let you touch me,” I said sternly in my mad voice while wiping my tears with the back of my hand. I said as if his touch was burning me from the inside. His jaw clenched when I said that. I felt a sharp pain in my stomach but I ignored it. I was so mad. 

“I don't even know what I'm doing here. I told you to drop me at my place but you once again brought me here against my will. You always do whatever you want without thinking about what I want.” I said with tears running down my eyes. I decided to get out of bed. 

“You have always been like this. I don't know what even I was expecting” I sobbed loudly this time once again ignoring the sharp pain in my stomach. 

“You are going nowhere. I made it clear to you. You will stay with me from now on. My people will bring your stuff first thing in the morning. You don't need to go back to get them” he said sternly while taking hold of my wrist. 

“And I made it clear to you. I will not stay with you. Not even after the engagement nor after the marriage” I said sternly trying to pull my hand out of his hold. I was so mad I just wanted to run out of this room. I don't want to see his face. 

“Fuck! I will let that happen'' he said, pulling me back on the bed with a harsh tug. It made me fall back to bed. His other hand moved behind my head and grabbed my hair making me look at him. Not harshly but enough to make me look at him. Our face was only an inch away now. Tears kept running down from my eyes. His cold blue eyes moved all over my face. He took a deep breath as if trying to control his anger. 

“You are mine and get that straight into your head” he said firmly looking straight into my teary eyes. I sobbed again and more tears fell from my orbs when the pain in my stomach intensified. 

“Ahha” I sobbed this time a little loudly with my hands wrapped around my stomach. I closed my eyes feeling the shape in the needle-like pain. 

“What happened?” Suddenly his anger changed into concern. He left the back of my head and cupped my face. 

“Aaa” Instead of answering a sob left my mouth. I looked up and took heavy breaths. 

“Doll stops scaring me,” he said while making me look into his eyes. My period cramps are the worst kind of pain. It always feels like a thousand needles are being poked on my back and stomach. It has always been so unbearably bad it has always been like that. I had always cried myself to sleep or sometimes everything blacked out in front of my eyes. I took a deep breath to control my raging emotions. Now I know the reason why these damn tears won't stop falling out of my eyes. I looked at him with my teary eyes. Realisation fell on his eyes when his desperate scared eyes moved all over my red face. 

“You got your period,” he said with wide eyes. He said with so much assurance as if he had known me my whole life. That look wafting in his cold blue orbs. 

It hurt even more than my periods. 

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