Chapter 72

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"We are not done."

He rubbed himself more on my core, making me tighten my hold on his neck. My legs started to shake from these new sensations inside me. He held my body with one hand. Pinning it to his hard chest. His fingers brushed my inner thighs, making me jolt in his arms. My heavy breaths echoed in the silent room. My heart was beating so wildly. I have never done something like this before with anyone. I have not even let anyone near me. It scared me, but at the same time, his actions excited me. He slowly moved his fingers upward, making me take sharp breaths. His fingers slowly rubbed on my wet-covered core. My toes curled at his touch on my most sensitive part. He started to rub it, making me gasp loudly. 

"I want to eat you," he said huskily in his deep voice. My naive mind didn't understand what he meant, but my heart raced knowing those were the dirty words. He rubbed the most sensitive spot as if he knew what my body wanted. My eyes rolled back when he did that. I opened my mouth and sank my teeth into his soft skin when I just couldn't take the way he was teasing me. 

"Fuck," he cursed in his deep voice. He took a sharp breath when I did that. My body was responding to his touch on its own. I could feel his ragged, harsh breath on my sensitive skin. He slowly started to move his fingers again. I could feel him slowly slipping his fingers through the wet cloth. I kept my eyes closed tightly with my hands around him as I was hanging for my life on him. I gasped audibly when his callous fingers brushed on my sensitive bare core. My legs quicken, and I feel a jolt of electricity all over my body. He kept holding me by his bare torso. 

"Ahhh," I moaned when he rubbed his thumb on my sensitive bundle of nerves. His other finger teased my opening. God, what is he doing to me? I loved my dried lips. My mouth has gone dry from all the gasping. His finger slowly entered me. I moaned again, feeling it inside me. This sensation and these feelings were so new to me. I was finding it hard to control my emotions. He had switched something inside me, and it was making me go crazy. My walls clenched around his fingers. 

"Fuck, doll, you are so tight," he said huskily in his deep voice, still holding me firmly to his chest. He slowly started to move his finger. I let out a heavy breath, feeling him moving inside me. He slowly increased his pace. It made me part my lips and breathe heavily through my mouth. 

"You are so wet, still so tight," he whispered in my ear, increasing his pace. He slowly inserted another digit inside me, and I felt the pain. 

"Erick," I gasped in half pleasure and half pain. My nails dug into his shoulder, and tears formed in my eyes. 

"Shu," he coed me and then caressed my back to soothe the slightest pain. 

"I need you to lose you up a bit so I can fit in, or else it will be even more painful when I'm inside you," he explained, and then kissed on the side of my temple lovingly. He didn't move his fingers until I felt comfortable around them. Slowly, he started to move his fingers, and soon the pain turned into pleasure. I closed my eyes and threw my head back when he slightly curled his fingers. I was a moaning mess. He started to press wet kisses all over my shoulder. He sucked on the mark he had left on my chest. My hands moved in his hair on their own. I felt pressure developing inside my lower tummy when he continued pumping his fingers inside me. 

He pressed me to the door and started kissing me all over my face. I bit my lower lips, stopping myself from screaming loudly. I was scared that someone would hear my screams and moans. I flushed even at that thought. It was my first time making such noises, and it made me feel different inside. I never imagined I would make such noises. His deep grunts and my moans filled the silent room. The way he was kissing every inch of skin was making me go crazy. My eyes rolled back when he fastened his pace even more while kissing all over my chest. My hands kept tugging at his hair when the pleasure became unbearable. The spot he was hitting was making me go crazy. I jumped into my place when there was a knock on the door. 

“Grace, are you inside?” It was Isabela on the other side of the door. My eyes widened in fear of getting caught. I swallowed hard, looking at Erick. He didn't look even a bit bothered. Erick smirked, looking at my straddled face. He once again increased his pace. I bite on my lower lip hard, stopping myself from making any noise. I tried to push his hand, but he kept pinning me to the door, refusing to remove his fingers. I glared at him, but in return, he smirked, refusing to let me go. 

“Grace?” Isabella once again called my name, making my throat go dry. 

“Answer her, doll,” he whispered in my ear, then nibbled on my earlobe. The situation I was stuck in was scaring me but, at the same time, exciting me so much. Poor Isabela had no idea what was going on behind the door. I opened and closed my eyes. Not knowing what I should do. I took deep breaths to control my voice and the emotions that would pass through it. 

"Yeah," I breathed out that word with my half open from the pleasure he was sprouting inside me. He curled his finger, and I gasped loudly. I clasped my hand over my mouth before I moaned out loud. I started to feel pressure developing inside me. It was increasing with each passing second. Once again, I tried to push his hand, but he wouldn't budge. He instead pinned me more firmly to the door. I glared at him, but it had no use for him. He bit his swollen lower lip, looking at me. His eyes were hooded with lust. 

“What are you doing inside? Come out fast. The boys have challenged us for another round of matches," she said cheerfully from behind the doors. I am excited to win another match. Isabela is so competitive. 

"Yeah, I will be there soon," I stuttered once again while throwing my head back when the pressure inside me was about to explode. I couldn't take it anymore, and my mouth opened to moan loudly. Erick covered my mouth with his mufflings. I heard Isabella mumbling a small ok. I didn't pay any attention to it. The bundle of sensations exploded inside me. I rolled my eyes back with my hands around his wide shoulders. I was gripping them as if my life depended on him. My hips buckled with exploded pleasure, and my legs went numb with my first earth-shattering orgasm. The pool of molten lava of pleasure exploded inside me and dripped out of me, making me drenched. I came all over his fingers. He looked down at me possessively. His fingers were still inside my throbbing walls. He refused to take them out until my last bit of orgasm. His ocean-blue eyes capture every moment of the pleasure he has given me with just his fingers. My chest rose and fell as I tried to catch my breath. My lust-filled eyes moved all over his face. He looked so fucking handsome with his dishevelled hair and swollen lips. My heart was wildly beating fast, with a wild thought in my hazy head. Heat rushed to my face. 

I don't know what he was capable of doing to me with his cock.

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