Chapter 73

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I don't know what he was capable of doing to me with his cock.

He slowly slides his fingers out of me at a torturous pace. I held my breath and bit my lower lips. I felt a little sore down there when he completely removed his fingers. I imminently missed the fullness his fingers gave me. He brought his fingers to his mouth and licked them cleanly, looking straight into my green eyes. 

“Hmmm,” he moaned, making me press my thighs together. It did something to me. 

“You taste so sweet,” he whispered in his deep voice, making my heart beat fast. 

“Next time, I'm going to drink it straight from the source,” he said huskily. A rush of heat rushed to my face when I understood what he meant. My face flushed, and I hid my face inside his neck. I just didn't know how I should reach 

“My doll is being shy,” he teased me. His chest vibrated with hearty laughter. I slapped his arm with my face still hiding inside the crook of his neck. He was still very hard. His rock-hard erection was pressed to my thighs when he hugged me. 

“Let's go out before Isabella comes back to find you,” he mumbled in my neck before pressing his lips on my pulse. I nodded my head, still hiding my face. I was too shy after what we had done. It was my first time, and I just don't know how I should react. Erick didn't force or expect any reaction from me. He helped me wear my bikini. He left his marks all over my body, so I had to wear his t-shirt to hide them. He walked out of the room after ten minutes. Evelyn gave me looks with wiggling brows when she saw me wearing Erick's t-shirt. I blushed when she smirked with a knowing look in her eyes. She had an idea of what we were doing for an hour locked behind the door. It made my skin flush even more. We played one more round of the game. The girls cheated again to win. I was laughing, looking at the debilitating looks on their faces. 

As if they will let them win. Erick would pull me to him every time Andrew came to talk to me. Erick would look at him sharply, but Andrew ignored his glares every time. He was not fazed by it. I think he was enjoying pissing him off. He likes to tease people. It's his favourite pastime. The sun started to set, and a late-night barbecue was prepared at the side of the pool. Our own chef, Xanthus, took it upon himself to serve everyone delicious barbecue and grilled vegetables. He was the one who planned it in the first place. He loves to cook so much. Erick helped him cite the vegetables. Daniel and Andrew were in charge of drinks, and Alex was getting plates ready. In short, the boys were the ones in charge of the barbeque. All we did was chill at the pool until everything was done. My eyes kept moving towards Erick. He was busy helping others, but I still found him looking at me every now and then. 

“So how was it?'' Evelyn asked while looking at me with raised brows. Her question made me avert my eyes from him to her. I raised my eyebrows, not knowing what she was asking. But a red creeped up my face when I realised what she meant. My eyes moved back to Isabela, who was smashing the water with her legs. She was busy on her cell phone, probably uploading a new story. I averted my gaze back to the water and bit my lower lip, not knowing how I should explain it to her. 

“You don't have to be shy around me. You remember me telling you about my first time with a boy?” She bumped her shoulder with mine, looking at my flushed face. Encouraging me to talk. I flushed once again, remembering her telling me about her first time. It was her first boyfriend who took her virginity. I was scared of the big parts she told me, but now that I had my small experience, I was excited to be alone with him again. I was scared deep down, but my excitement was overshadowing it. He made me feel wanted, he made me feel excited, and he made me feel loved for the very first time. 

“It was nice, but we didn't do that.'' I mumbled while clearing my throat. “We didn't have sex." Just touching and–” I couldn't complete my sentence because I was so flushed. 

“I know you didn't have sex with him. If you had, I bet you would not have been able to walk straight for the whole two days,” she laughed, making me flush again. 

“Does it hurt that bad?” I asked, scared of what she said. I looked at her with wide eyes, waiting for a reply. 

“If I don't walk straight, everyone will know I had sex with Erick.” Before I could stop myself, I blurted out that question. It made me more dismayed. Not only Evelyn but Isabella laughed too loudly. My brows furrowed looking at them. 

“Erick has got an innocent lamb for himself,” Isabela said between her laughs. I gasped in disbelief at her remark. She knew everything about sex, and she was younger than me. My face flushed once again. 

“How do you know?” I asked Isabella, still flushed from my remark. 

“Educational purpose. You are talking to a future doctor,” she said, raising her hand in the air in surrender. She was too young to be engaging in those kinds of acts. She was like my little sister, and I was protective about her. Evelyn pinched my cheeks with both her hands, making me look at her. 

“Not by you walking, but your face will tell everyone that you had mind-boggling sex with your boyfriend,” she said, still laughing and looking at my face. I glared at her and pursed my lips out in a small pout. 

“To answer your question, It hurts at first, but then you will be screaming in pleasure,” she said, making me flush once again. I guess first-sex talks are always awkward, knowing how little I know. 

“Stop it, Evelyn,” I huffed because they were still smiling and looking at me. I pulled my face out of Evelyn's hands when she squeezed my cheeks. I glared at them in annoyance because they started laughing even more. 

“So you only like it when Erick squeezes your cheeks”, Isabela said to tease me more with wiggling eyebrows. Her words sounded as if they had a double meaning to them. 

“You missy I have eyes on you,” I said, looking at Isabella. My eyes were still narrowed in her direction. 

“I think Erick is calling me,” she said with a smirk, finding a way to tease me again before running away. These villains are all natural. It runs in their blood. 

“Don't worry, she will be okay. She is a smart kid,” Evelyn said while looking at Isabella, who was now helping the guys. They called us after some time. We became busy eating a delicious barbecue. 

“Try this,” Andrew said, pushing grilled meat with extra sauce into my mouth. He was experimenting with something with sauce. 

“Hmm,” I moaned because it melted into my mouth. 

“It tastes so good,” I said, and he put one more piece in my mouth. Before any sound left my mouth, I was pulled back onto Erick's lap. He had made me sit on his lap in front of everyone so that Andrew stayed away from me. To his dismay, Andrew didn't stop teasing him. I wanted to try it out more, but he won't let me go. 

“Keep sitting if you don't want me to spank you,” he said in a dangerously low voice. I glared at him. He smirked, looking down at me, and then pecked my lips in front of everyone. My eyes widened when he did that. I knew we had an audience. He has always held my hand but never kissed me in front of them. 

“Eat,” he said, pushing a grilled corn into my mouth. I chew on it while still glaring at him. I was busy eating when I saw Isabella and Evelyne going inside the house. Where are they going? I wanted to follow them, but this possessive man won't let me go. Suddenly, there were fireworks in the sky. I looked at it with amazed eyes. The different lights merged with one other making patterns. 

“Happy birthday,” everyone started to sing, making me look at them. I saw Evelyn and Isabella appear with cake. My eyes widened at the surprise. I heard a soft whisper in my ear and then a kiss on the side of my head. 

“Happy birthday, my doll."

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