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Cassie announced her presence. "Morning cass" Angelica greeted her first. The Mendoza girl was dressed in dark blue shorts, a maroon top and converse. "Are those my shorts?" Cassie asked.

"I dunno is that my skirt?" Angelica pointed to Cassie's jean skirt. "You guys are like sisters, it's so cute" belly said. Cassie laughed uncomfortably while Angelica smiled.

"So what is everyone up to?" Cassie asked sitting beside belly. Angelica sat next to a hung over Conrad. The two drank beers on the beach before eventually going to sleep.

He mumbled something into her shoulder, laying his head on her chest. "Me and jere have work at the country club, you should come swim" Steven offered the blonde.

"She would loveeeeee to but me and Cass are having a girls date" Cassie turned at the sound of 'date'. "Can i come?" Belly asked. "Yea-" angelica was cut off by Cassie "You have deb training right?".

Belly frowned but nodded. "How about we can all watch a movie tonight?" Angelica offered. "Yeah!" Belly smiled.

It was so hard to hate Angelica. She was tall, tan, pretty, good style and she always smelled of soft yet seductive perfume. She was kind and inclusive, she had a smile that made me want to forget why I hated her. Seeing the way Conrad looked at her made my heart wrench.

Angelica kissed Conrad "I'll see you later" she said. She went to walk always put Conrad grabbed her hip and span her into his lap. "Just a peck?" He asked.

"I have to go" she said but the grin on her face proved she wasn't upset. He connected their lips.

Kissing Angelica is like the first time. Sparks, fireworks, the tingle that shoots up my spine that only she can make good. I love her. - Connie

"Okay okay serious Connie" she placed one last kiss to his lips before getting up. "I love you" he said. "I love you too Connie. Come on cass" angelica grinned.

"A bakery date?" Cass asked staring at the cute little bakery. Angelica parked in a parking space and cut her car off. "Yeah! Remember those croissants with the strawberries in the middle? Conrad gets them from here" Angelica grinned.

The best friends went inside and was met with a elderly woman with light gray hair, green eyes and a pink apron. "Oh! You must be Angelica! Conrad has talked so much about you" the elderly woman grinned.

A smile spread onto her face at the mention of the boy. "It's lovely to meet you Mrs.Parker" Angelica grinned. "This is my best friend Cassie." Angelica introduced the women.

The older women clasped her hands together. "You girls are beautiful! Go on and sit I'll bring the sandwiches" she said. The two girls thanked her and sat down at a booth by the window.

The cold ac brushed against the girls exposed arms and legs. "So! Cass guess what I heard from back home" Angelica grinned. Cassie leaned in with a grin. "Remember Ashley? Cheer team?" Angelia asked.

"Ginger? Wobbly knees? Yeah what about her" Cassie asked. "Pregnant." Angelica nodded with wide eyes at the shocked look on Cassie's face.

"Wait I thought she had a girlfriend" Cassie's eyebrows pulled together. Angelica sent the girl a look which made Cassie laugh loudly. Mrs.Park placed the croissants in front of the girls.

The girls dug in, "oh my god! Thank condo for me" Cassie groaned. "Conrad," Angelica corrected. "Please Cass try and get along with him? It would mean a lot to me that you guys get along" she begged.

"Okay fine" Cassie couldn't say no to her. She never could and sometimes she didn't want to either. From the age of 7 Cassie and Angelica were best friends.

Mr and Mrs Mendoza dragged their daughter toward the blonde woman waiting for them. "Come on mom! Don't make me go" Angelica frowned. "All you have to do is say hi" Alex and Andrew said. Angelica scowled at her siblings "you're supposed to be on my side!".

Cassie stood shyly behind her mother. "Katherine! It's lovely to see you again!" Sky Mendoza greeted her friend. "Sky! It's been forever!" The blonde woman grinned.

Sky and Katherine had been roommates in college and bonded over their love for the stars and moon though neither took astronomy.

"This is my daughter Cassandra" the southern woman grinned turning so you could see her daughter. "She's adorable. This is our son Andrew our oldest daughter Alexandria and our youngest Angelica!".

Angelica shot a sassy glare at her father before walking to stand in front of Cassie. "Would you like to go to the playground with me?" Angelica asked. Cassie casted a glance to her mother before following.

"Why don't you speak? What are you a mute?" Some boy teased Cassie. Angelica slid down on the slide after hearing his words. Cassie shyly wiped a tear from her face. Angelica stood beside Cassie glaring at the boy.

"Oh great it's you. Aren't you the one with the stupid mom? Aren't you stupid like her too?" He teased. Cassie sniffled "is the crybaby crying?" He taunted the small blonde with a smirk. Angelica drew her fist back and punched the kid in the nose.

"Asshole!" Cassie and Angelica spat at the boy on the ground. Cassie turned to Angelica "do you want to be my best friend?" She asked. "Yes!" Angelica smiled.

Our summer of love- Conrad fisher Where stories live. Discover now