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The summer i lost -
-I'm sorry-


Angelica was up early and gone before anyone woke up. Andrew had decided to take her out for breakfast.

Belly jogged down stairs and watched as everyone stiffened up. "Jeremiah you think you can make a hang over smoothie?" Belly held her forehead. Conrad set his bowl harshly down in the sink and shoved past belly.

Steven couldn't look at her and Jeremiah was oddly silent. "What? Where is Cassie and Angelica?" She asked. "We're you that drunk?" Steven asked, his tone filled with disgust.

"What happened?" Belly asked a bit louder. "They left. Cassie and Angelica are no longer friends because of you. God you can't have one day without everything being about you" Conrad spat from behind her.

"T-That- what I didn't" Bellys eyes glossed with guilt. "You ruined her birthday Isabel. After what she did for you?" Steven said and walked out of the kitchen.

"So how's mom?" Andrew asked across from his sister. "Good, she misses you. Your pictures still on the walls" Angelica smiled sadly. "I'm sorry about what happened last night" he frowned.

Angelica swallowed thickly and nodded. "I use to love Cass what happened" he muttered. "She confessed she had feelings toward me and when I got with Conrad she lashed out" Angelica explained.

Cassie's heartbroken face yesterday made Angelica's heart break. She would have never done that to Cassie, not even if it killed her. "Do you love her?" Andrew asked. "No. Not in that way, I'm in love with Conrad" Angelica said.

Andrew nodded "so tell me more about this boyfriend of yours" a lopsided grin fell onto his face. He watched as her eyes lit up when she explained Conrad to him.

"He's sweet, not the best singer but a good guitarist, gentle, funny in a dad joke way, smart. I love him so much, he means everything to me" she toyed with the ring Conrad put on her finger last night with a smile.

"My baby sister is in love" he dramatically wiped his fake tears. The two spent two more hours catching up, eating before finally leaving.

In the car Angelica stared out at the ocean. "So what are you gonna do when you see that girl again?" He asked. "Honestly i don't know. I'm gonna see her at the deb ball" Angelica deeply sighed.

"You're still going?" Andrew glanced at his sister with wide eyes before turning back toward the road. Angelica nodded "I'm here for Conrad not her. And Jeremiah wants me to watch his dance"

Andrew pulled into the driveway. "If anything and I mean anything happens call me" he said. She hugged him "I will. Bye Andrew" she smiled. "Bye Mariposa" he said and watched as she left the car.

Conrad shot down the stairs as Angelica walked into the house. "Hi con-" she was cut off by him enveloping her into a hug. His body was warm and that's all she needed. "I'm sorry" his voice wavered.

"I love you Connie" she said but he didn't reply to it. "Conr-" he cut her off. "You don't have to go if you don't want to" he said. "No I'm okay, I promised Jeremiah and Steven I'd watch them dance" she laughed a bit as they pulled away.

Conrad nodded and kissed her head. "I have to do something with cleaceland last minute so I'll see you there?" He asked. She nodded "have fun" and watched as he quickly left the house. She frowned, Conrad always said 'I love you' back or when he was leaving.

He hardly looked her in the eye either.

Our summer of love- Conrad fisher Where stories live. Discover now