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- The great Christmas dinner-


Maddy shouted. "Mija were here!" Her mother called out. Maddy led her Grandparents into the kitchen where angelica, alex and Andrew were all sat.

"Hey papa! Hi mom!" Angelica smiled going to hug both of her parents. "Merry christmas" her father said kissing the top of her head.

"Papa! Grammy Look! Mommy got Daddy a Puppy!" Matteo came running in with their new dog Cleveland following. "You? Got a dog?" Andrew raised both his eyebrows.

"Shut up andrew" she jokingly rolled her eyes. "Oh where is conrad?" Her mother asked. "I'm here!" Conrad waltzed through the door with jeremiah and nici following him.

"Hey everyone!" Jeremiah smiled brightly. His eyes landed on Alex and Angelica who wore similar long dresses. They nearly looked like twins. "Jere!" Angelica smiled going to hug him.

"Nice to see you Jelly bean" he grinned. "Steven is gonna be upset you stole his nickname" She said pulling away.

"conklin will live. Andrew what's up man" Jeremiah went over to shake the older boys hand. Conrad pulled his wife into his chest. "What's this for?" she asked quietly.

"i just wanted to hold you" he swayed a bit. The two held each other for a bit before angelica pulled away. "Go get everyone seated i'll bring everything out".

He nodded and took the family into the lush dinning room Angelica designed while the Mendoza siblings stayed behind.

"our baby sister is finally happy" Alex said with a motherly smile. "yeah i am. Married, kids and now a dog" Angelica smiled. "Don't worry it's alex's turn next" andrew laughed.

"how are you so sure?" Alex turned toward her brother. "I don't plan on proposing any time soon and she's already married so that leaves you" Andrew grinned.

"It's true" Angelica shrugged handing off a plate full of tamales to her sister. This Christmas they were having tamales than conrad restlessly begged for.

Only on the deal that conrad would bake the apple pie susannah showed him how to make before she died. "Okay food is ready" Angelica and her siblings came to the table setting everything down.

The twins were sat beside their mother's seat across from Jeremiah who talked to Angelica's parents. Conrad at the head and Angelica's father at the end. Angelica mirrored her mother's seat sitting on Husbands right side.

Alex sat down beside Jeremiah and Andrew next to Alex.

(Table order goes
conrad's right: Angelica,Maddy,Matteo, Skylar.
Conrad's left: Nici Jeremiah, Alex and Andrew )

"Nici How's texas? And cam?" Angelica asked her friend. "It's great. He's great! We can't wait for you and con to bring the twins out there" Nici smiled brightly.

Nici and Cam cameron had been going pretty strong for years now and are destined to be together soon. Cameron had went to spend some time with his mom while Nici wanted to see the twins and drop off gifts.

"Auntie nici guess what!" Matteo said excitedly gaining the woman's attention. "Daddy is teaching us how to swim! When you and uncle can come over we can play!" Matteo smiled.

"You and auntie alex can play mermaids with me and mommy" Maddy smiled. "I can't wait" Nici smiled. "Can i play?" Andrew asked joking around.

"no we said daddy can be the only man mermaid" she shook her head. Andrew frowned while James laughed. "That's not funny dad i wanted to play" Andrew frowned.

"cheer up son at least they won't try to put you in the tail like they did me" he sighed. "It was terrible your father could barely get a leg in" skylar and angelica giggled. Angelica watched as her father stared at her mother with love.

Since she was a little girl that's all she wanted. For someone to love her as much as her father loved her mother. She turned her head and conrad was giving her the exact same look. "You're beautiful lovey" he said.

This was it. Angelica Mendoza loven made it. She finally got the love she wished for. She leaned forward lightly pecking his lips.

The night was filled with laughing and sharing funny stories from child hood. Like alex told conrad about the time Angelica wore her princess dress to school because she was a princess.

Or Skylar sharing when all of her kids were young and they would pretend to be chefs and wreck the kitchen. Though andrew was said he left before the years angelica sounded like she needed him most he was happy to be there now.

To witness his baby sister as a woman with a family.

James cut on an old song grabbing his wife's hand off the couch. Angelica smiled at her parents. "Let's dance?" Conrad held out a hand to her. "Let's" she said and took his hand.

Conrad held her close, a hand on her waist and intertwined the other. "i love you" Conrad said. "i love your personality, your eyes, your smile, your laugh, i love that you're the mother of my kids and my beautiful wife" he span her.

Conrad then dipped her "I love the dream i had when i was only 17 years old came true even now that im almost thirty" He said. "I love you too connie".


i had to write another chapter i felt bad

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