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The summer that it was all worth it

-My life-


Summer is different for everyone. And my summers just happen to be the best. At the beach house, barbecue, family and friends. Holding Susannah's memory on a pedestal so high it went past the clouds.

I gazed up at the house that held so many memories for me. Though my first summer here wasn't the best and the second one sucked at the beginning it was worth it.

Now I can look back on it all and call it the summer of love. The summer Conrad and I experienced love, true love. Real love in the realest form.

I heard a car pull into the driveway making me turn around. Jeremiah jumped out of the car, he was still the same. "Jelly bean" he grinned, his large toothy smile.

"Hey Jere" I smiled back wrapping my arms around him. He always smelled of a good yet airy clone. "Soooo where is they" Jeremiah asked excitedly.

Before I could answer the door ripped open, Maddy and Matteo came sprinting out. Maddy and Matteo had dark hair and light green eyes.

Both children got my curls, Matteo had his fathers nose and cheekbones and lips while maddy had my eye shape and lips.

Jeremiah accepted the twins with open arms "uncle jere! Mommy said you weren't coming" maddy said. "Yeah mommy said

Oh I forgot to mention, this is almost 10 years since you last saw me. I'm now 28 almost 29 in three days. And drum roll please



Conrad and I got married when I was 22 and him 23. And a year later we had our twins Madeline Susannah Fisher and Matteo Antonio Fisher. The twins were now 5 and turned 6 in august.

"It was supposed to be a surprise" I shrugged at my kids. Jeremiah placed the twins down on their feet. "Grandma and Dad are in the back yard with auntie Nici" Matteo tugged at my blue flower dress.

-Conrad's pov-

This was my life now, exactly how I pictured. Married to lovey, kids, and the beach house. The door opened and out came Angelica. Her raven hair clipped into a claw clip and a flowy blue dress on her figure.

A bright smile on a dark pink colored lip and Matteo balanced on her hip. My life was perfect, we lived in a 2 story house in Boston. Angelica became a marine biologist and I a doctor studying breast cancer.

"Connie" she called to me, her white flip flops padding on the floor. "You look so beautiful" I said to her flipping the hamburger on the grill.

She kissed my lips softly "my handsome husband" she grinned at me. "Yucky" Matteo grumbled. "Yeah yucky" Andrew said from behind us.

Angelica smiled softly at Andrew. "I didn't know you were coming!" She said. She set Matteo down on his feet beside me and hugged her brother. "Why would I ever miss a fisher fam barbecue! Especially missing Conrad's burgers? No way" the man laughed.

Andrew and I had gotten close over the years and he was like another brother to me.

Cameron a nici are engaged, Jeremiah has a girlfriend named Amanda and Steven has a new girlfriend named olive. I hadn't spoken to Isabel in over 6 years but I heard she had a new boyfriend and was happily living in La.

I was snapped from my thoughts when I heard steven say "what are you doing here". I looked up and it felt like my world and crumbled.

The devil herself standing in a tight pink dress and white sandals. It only reminded me of back when we were teenagers.

Isabel Conklin stood with a brunette man with blue eyes. "Beach house barbecue. I missed cousins" she grinned but it was something off about her smile.

Our summer of love- Conrad fisher Where stories live. Discover now