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The summed everything got fucked up

-Confuse me-


That was it, the beach house was empty. "I should have been here" he muttered storming off to the kitchen. This time Angelica let herself follow him. "Connie" she muttered.

He looked at her, eyes teary. "Go away" he said, "the last thing I need is you here" he sniffed. The boy clutched onto his chest and she walked toward him. She placed her hands on his face as he slunk down the cabinet.

His chest heaved harshly as he tried to cling onto his breaths. "Connie I'm here. Look at me" she muttered to him. "Conrad look at me" she repeated. His frantic green eyes looked to hers.

There it was, the twinkle in her eyes. His breathing slowed and she mumbled soft nothings to him. "How can you do this? To me" he asked her.

"What?" She asked him. "Coddle me like you didn't rip me to shreds on the pier" he choked out. "I'm not coddling you Conrad. I'm helping you,".

Her hands pulled from his face "what did you expect? For me to never get over you? Conrad you broke my heart" she said. The reminder stung "I know" he mumbled. "So don't act like I'm the bad guy, you fell in love last summer and it wasn't with me".  She said.

Angelica got up "Don't leave me" his voice wavered. "Please" he begged her. Unlike last time he said these words she didn't have anger holding her back. So she sat next to him on the floor wordless.

"We have to find somewhere to stay" Jeremiah came in the kitchen. He sat down next to Angelica. It reminded her of them in the hospital. Susannah on the bed asleep, the three teens laying against each other.

"When are you leaving" Jeremiah suddenly asked. "I don't know. When I know you both are okay I suppose" she muttered. Conrad gazed at her with hopeful eyes, he'd never be okay without her and she knew that. Maybe it was her way of telling him there was a chance for them.


Jeremiah's card wasn't working. The group had planned to stay the night in the country club. Angelica was going to offer to buy a large hotel room they can stay in but belly was very disinterested.

"I can get us in. My mom works odd hours so no one will think anything of it" Cameron shrugged. "Thanks cam" Angelica smiled, the boy smiled back.

Her relationship with Cameron would always be difficult. Cam was sweet and kind and made her laugh but he didn't make her laugh the way Conrad could.

Cameron thought Angelica was beautiful but he knew he just wasn't Conrad. Belly's puppy love for Conrad was different than Angelica's for Conrad.

Angelica was in slight Awe seeing it so empty. "Okay we need a game plan" belly started. "We need food, clothes, blankets and somewhere to sleep" Steven finished.

"Cam and I can do food" Skye offered. "Me and lovey are gonna look for blankets" Conrad said. Angelica and Cameron glanced at each other.

"Bells and I can find somwhwre to sleep" Jeremiah pointed at the Conklin girl. "That leaves me and Taylor with clothes. Keep your phones on" Steven said grabbing Taylor's hand.

Conrad and Angelica walked around checking various bins and rooms. "Lovey" he muttered. "Yeah con?" She asked, her voice muffled by the bin she was elbows deep in.

"Why Cameron?" He asked. Before she could explain herself he continued. "Was it for revenge? Was it to piss me off? You weren't even attracted to Cameron!" He snapped.

She turned around to look at him. "I didn't notice him because maybe I had a boyfriend! Something you clearly wouldn't know about considering you were just fine making googley eyes at Conklin" she scoffed.

"So you did it to piss me off?" He asked. "No I went to parties to piss you off. I kissed guys to piss you off. I bought the words tiniest shorts to piss you off Conrad" she snapped.

Though she was mad, Conrad couldn't help but notice how beautiful she looked in the light. He walked toward her with a look in his eye.

"It didn't work did it" he asked her. "What?" She questioned. "Kissing all those guys. You never got rid of me did you?" He asked again. He wanted her so desperately to say yes.

To tell him no one could ever replace him. But she didn't "don't do this to me Conrad." She shook her head. "I'll proclaim my love to you everyday for the rest of my life just so you'll know for sure I love you Angelica" he said.

She was going fo reply when he shook his head. "If you want me I'll be here and if you don't then I'll be waiting when you do. I'll always want you, romantically or not".

He grabbed blankets from the shelf above her. She stood stunned. Perhaps it was time to forgive Conrad. Or maybe this was the perfect opportunity to make him feel hurt the way she did.

Our summer of love- Conrad fisher Where stories live. Discover now