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The summer I fell for you...Again

Tw// mentions of attempted unaliving

-Where it belongs-


"We will clean everything up right away" Cameron said. Everyone scrambled to get everything cleaned up. Angelica went to run a hand through her hair when she noticed something glimmering.

Her promise ring was no longer on her neck but on her finger where it belonged. She turned her head to look at Conrad. Even in the circumstances he looked happier.

A part of her never wanted Conrad to know how much it pained her to even take it off. She wore it for about 2 months before she figured to put it on a chain. Conrad would always be on her heart that way. It was his after all.


The car ride was silent, to belly and Jeremiah who sat in the back it looked as tho the duo in the front never broken up. Conrad's hand tangled with Angelica's. He'd occasionally smile at her when a song she liked came on.

Angelica was lost, she wanted more than anything to curl in his arms. But there was a part of her that felt like Conrad fisher hadn't suffered enough. She needed to rip him the shreds.

Being with Cameron wasn't enough. She needed something more. She needed to see him feel everything she felt. The pity, the disgust for herself, the anger, the self doubt, the depression.

Angelica never bothered with acceptance. Acceptance was crossed out on her list. She loved him and she felt terrible. But wasn't this apart of her plan? Conrad fisher was supposed to hurt. 

Then it clinked in her head. The last and final straw Conrad would feel. The depression of it all. She read his letters multiple times. Even the angry ones, he was upset with her for not saying goodbye.

He was disgusted with himself and belly for how it ended between the 'love of his life'. She read his sorrow filled letters he clearly written drunk. Each one ended with a I love you.

Now that she had fueled herself back up it was almost laughable. He loved her? That was a joke, he couldn't have loved her. He got with belly, he did the same thing he did to her to belly.

Angelica knew belly was second place to her. Conrad didn't bother to hide it. Belly knew as well but she loved him. Somtimes Angelica thought love was a foolish thing. No one ever meant their I love you's now a days.

Angelica looked over at Conrad, her eyes softening. Her conflicting brain eating at her.

The familiar driveway came into view. The group jumped out of the car prepared to enter in whatever disaster had unfolded. "Connie" Angelica called softly.

"Whatever happens. I just love you" she muttered. "I love you too" he smiled at her.

Do you see what it feels like to be lied to Conrad? You will. You'll hurt just like I did.

His lips planted softly to the top of her head. Her phone buzzed in her pocket. She stopped at the steps fishing her phone from her Jean pocket.


Flashed across her screen. Why the hell would Cassandra mom be calling? She thought to ignore it, whatever mess Cassandra got into she can finish alone.

However her gut told her to answer it. "Hello?" Angelica placed the phone to her ear. "Angelica? Hi honey" the southern accent of Caroline Strader floated through the phone.

"Hi Mrs.Stader" Angelica said looking toward the beach house. They never closed the door so Angelica had a perfect view of a distraught Conrad.

"I wouldn't typically call you like this but....I need you" Caroline said her voice tired and weak.

"What happened?" Angelica's eyebrows knitted together. "A few nights ago...um

And then she said the worse thing Caroline could have said to her at the moment.

"Cassandra tried to kill herself last night"

Our summer of love- Conrad fisher Where stories live. Discover now