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The fall I fell in love

-I fell in love in October-


"Fisher! Gonna totally win this for us man" O'Donnell patted my back. "Hey sorry I'm late" a voice stripped through the hair. I turned and there I saw her.

Tall, Tan, Pretty and wearing a sun dress. A girl stood in a purple dress with sunflowers on it. A large smile graced her face as she chatted with a few other cheerleaders. Her raven hair that was tied into a ponytail swung as she laughed.

I suppose I was staring too long as she turned and looked at me. She offered me a short sweet smile and I waved back.

For the rest of practice that girl plagued my mind. Since Jeremiah had my car I had to unfortunately walk home. "Excuse me" a familiar yet foreign voice pulled me from my thoughts.

I turned to see the sun dress girl holding out a water bottle to me. "You dropped this a bit ago I was trying to keep up" she laughed a bit. My eyes fell from her face to the name plate on her neck.


Fitting considering this girl seemed like an Angel. "Thank you" I smiled and took it from her. "You're Conrad right?" She asked. She knew me? That's strange I would have definitely noticed someone like her around.

"Yeah, you are Angelica" I pointed to her name plate. She nodded "we had art together last year." She shrugged. Now I remember, she was Sky's daughter the one hardly home.

Her childhood photos don't do her much Justice. "Yeah, our moms are friends" I said awkwardly. In my defense this girl was beautiful. Her large eyes stared up at me like I was speaking about the most interesting thing in the world.

"If you dont mind me asking, why are you walking alone? It's not the best idea you know" I asked. "Bit of a long story. Can I maybe walk with you?" She asked. I nodded, I wasn't gonna force her to talk.

Eventually she shared that her terrible ex had made her walk as a punishment for not getting back with him. Quite a few things I learned about Angelica that day.

1. She always gave her undivided attention
2. She lives two blocks from me
3. She is obsessed with the sky

I watched as she stared up at the sky. "Thank you" she mumbled looking over at me. "For what?" I asked her adjusting the bag on my shoulder. "Listening. I appreciate it" she admitted.

"I can be here for you if you want me too" I said. God had my hands always been this sweaty? "I'd like that" she grinned at me.

From then on she was my best friend. That was of course until I fell in love with her. I guess a part of me always loved Angelica.

- October 23rd 2021-

It had only been about a year since I started being close to her. We clicked so well, I couldn't name a time I wasn't with her or texting her. "Hey Connie!" She gleamed as she skipped through my house.

"Hey lovey" I smiled brightly at her. "Missed me so much you had to call me back over only 2 hours later" she teased. Her light purple dress like the one when I first had met her sat snuggly on her body.

"I missed you a lot lovey. And I need to tell you something" I fidgeted with my hand. She gazed at me with the same look that made me fall in love with her. 

"What's up Connie baby" she asked. I liked when she called me Connie baby. I could listen to it 100 times only if she was saying it. I stood "follow me" holding out my hand to her.

A half smirk quirked on her face "planning to kill me connie? Oh how I thought you loved me" she sobbed dramatically,placing her hand in mind. I couldn't help but laugh "I'd never kill you my dearest lovey!" I pulled her up and against me. "For I could never hurt her" I mimicked her tone.

She let out a laugh "okay seriously where are we going?" She asked. I just sent her a smile and led her outside. As we got near Jeremiah I put my hands over her eyes. "Fuck it's cold" she muttered. "You're so dramatic" I laughed.

"Watch your step" I muttered leading her through the grassy area. She stumbled in front of me before I muttered for her to stop.

-Angelica Pov-

I blinked a few times when Conrad's warm hands left my eyes. I couldn't form words as I stared at the flowers and candles on the floor. From their favorite tree hung 'will you be my girlfriend' on a poster written in pink.

"I've been in love with you since the moment I first laid eyes on you lovey. So will you be my girlfriend" he asked. I could tell he was extremely nervous. I turned to face him and frantically nodded.

"I'll be your girlfriend" I smiled my cheeks ached. I should have guessed this was gonna come considering we kissed a few days ago. Conrad scooped me up in a hug planting his lips on mine.


it's kinda bad ik but I need a filler

Our summer of love- Conrad fisher Where stories live. Discover now