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The summer it ended- Angelica

-Oh look You're here too-


A woman appeared behind her from the bathroom. It was Angelica, her figure was covered in silver silk. She looked gorgeous with her hair curled to perfection, possibly better than belly.

"Angel-" Angelica stoped belly standing beside her. "You look nice belly" she said. Belly was surprised to say the least. Angelica placed a hand on her shoulder. "You shouldn't be so nervous. Wanna know what I see?" Angelica asked pointing to the mirror.

"I see a beautiful, smart and amazing woman" Angelica said sweetly. A smile graced belly's lips, belly went to say thank you when Angelica cut her off. "Oh look you're here too" Angelica laughed and walked out.

Belly's smile dropped, it was stupid to think Angelica was gonna be nice to her. "Angelica honey you look amazing" Susannah gasped. Angelica smiled at Susannah and laurel.

"It's starting" Susannah grinned widely. Angelica watched as the debs were introduced, smiling at her friends. Then belly came on with Jeremiah. Angelica gave a large smile to Jeremiah. Belly looked upset still about Angelica's comment.

"So Angelica, where is Cassie?" Laurel leaned over and asked. Angelica stiffened "we aren't friends anymore, she went home" Angelica said stiffly. Both older women frowned. "Don't worry honey. It will blow over" Susannah touched her shoulder.

Jeremiah dance began and least to say Angelica was so excited. "Yeah go jere! Woooo Steven" Angelica grinned clapping. However her jaw dropped when Steven slid across the floor grinding into the air.

Jeremiah smiled at Angelica when he seen her laugh. After hearing her voice break when she spoke to Cassie it hurt him. He never ever wanted to see her hurt like that ever again.

He didn't have romantic feelings toward her but he cared about her. Back home she was honestly the only one who didn't ask him for something. She was okay with his random calls and his constant singing and dancing.

Sometimes she'd join, either way he never felt embarrassed with her. The dance ended and Angelica stood up clapping loudly. The escorts half fived each other as everyone cheered.

A figure in the doorway caught her eye. It was Conrad dressed so nicely in a tux. Angelica smiled and waved to him but he didn't wave back. She frowned, it was almost like he was looking through her.

"Connie!" She called but he didn't respond. Angelica turned to follow his eyesight and in that moment her heart shattered. Belly stood behind her staring at Conrad. Angelica frowned and looked at Conrad.

He was now looking at Angelica the same way he was looking at belly. "I'll be right back" she muttered and walked toward Conrad. She dragged him out into the hallway.

"Why do you look at her like that?" She asked. "Who? Like what?" He asked. She shot him a look and began pacing. "Isabel, Conrad! You look at her like you're in love with her" she said.

He didn't reply. "A-Are you in love with her" her movements stopped as she looked at him. "No" he said shaking his head. "Conrad please tell me the truth. Look me in my eyes and tell me you don't feel something for her" she said.

Her eyes were glossy as she pleaded with him. His eyes met her in a silent gaze before he looked away. She nodded her head, her tongue running across her gums with a light smack.

"I need some air" she said and walked out. Conrad stood there with a sad look on his face. He didn't know why he couldn't just say he loved Angelica.

Angelica found Jeremiah crying outside. She sat next to him and put her arms around him. Her soft perfume calming him a bit. "My mom....she's gonna die" he choked out.

"It's okay jere. Im here for you" she said holding him a bit tighter. "I need to tell Conrad" he said. Her palm rubbed his back softly as she listened to him. "Come with me?" He asked. He pulled from her hug to look at her eyes.

A few tears coming down her face. She just wordlessly nodded and stood up. She wiped her tears and followed the boy inside. Her heart broke all over again when she seen Conrad and belly dancing.

"Conrad we need to talk, alright? It's important. It's about mom I found something out" Jeremiah said urgency in his voice. Conrad's face dropped as did the pieces of Angelica heart. "Yeah...I know, we will talk about this later" he said slowly.

He knew. He knew and he never bothered to say anything especially his girlfriend. Angelica's fist balled as Jeremiah began piecing it together. "You already knew didn't you? You knew this whole time and you didn't fucking tell me" Jeremiah asked.

He turned to Angelica with almost pleading eyes, she already knew what he was asking. "No" she said, it was all she could say. As the boys argued Angelica caught a glimpse of someone.

Standing out in the crowd was him. Aaron stood with a look that sent ice threw her chest. She blinked a couple of times hoping she was imagining it.

In a few strides he stood in front of her. It was like they were the only two in the room. A dark cold lonely room filled with nothing but pain. "What are you doing here" she blinked a few times.

"I knew you'd look so pretty Angel" her stomach hurt. Bile quickly rushing up, she sprinted out of these leaving a smirking Aaron, a crying Jeremiah, a confused Conrad and belly behind.

Our summer of love- Conrad fisher Where stories live. Discover now