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The summer I was just happy

-When im With you-


She and Conrad texted back and forth updating each other. Angelica hadn't told Conrad what she had done. She contacted Adam fisher yesterday night and gave him some of the money from her own trust fund for the house.

"Hey Cass! Im making pop-" Angelica stopped when she seen the blonde staring aimlessly at the pool. "Cass?" Angelica questioned.

The Mendoza girl leaned against the pole as her friend turned toward her. "I never should have made that plan. I should have confessed my love to you" tears weld in the girls eyes.

"Cass I don't-" Cassie shook her head. "Let me finish" the girl fidgeted with her hands. "I never met to hurt you. I mean that's the last thing I'd ever want to do in a million and one years!" The girl frowned.

"But I did. I wish I didn't love you. I don't know what's wrong with me" the girl broke down. Angelica hugged her, "there is nothing wrong with you Cass" Angelica rubbed her back.

"You're right. I love you Angelica, friend wise" Cass said slightly pulling away. "I love you too Cass" the Latina smiled.

"I'm going to bed. Good night" Cassie waved and disappeared inside and up the stairs. Angelica wondered back in the house and to the living room.

She cut on Coraline wedding and laid on the tan sofa. It was her and Conrad's favorite movie. She missed him dearly, she held the pillow close to her chest. A deep frown on her face.

She pulled out her phone and opened his context.

                 Connie baby <3

I gotta help jere text later?
Sent at 4:35

                                                 Yeah ofc
                                         Liked at 4:37

                                           I miss you

She closed it and waiting for him to respond. She fidgeted with her ring, the memory of Conrad giving it to her flashed through her head.

A knock came to the door snapping the girl from her thoughts. She stood and walked toward the door. She unlocked the lock and opened the door. "Hi can I -" she was cut off.

Her heart flew around her chest as she started at the boy in front of her. 

Conrad fisher stood there with a hand full of tulips wrapped in brown paper. A light purple ribbon tied it together. "Connie? What are you doing here" she looked at him.

"I missed you and," he pulled his phone out and opened her message. "You missed me too" a wide grin on his face.

He offered the flowers toward her. She let go of the door and accepted the flowers.

"These are beautiful thank you" she smiled at him. "Lovey. I came out to tell you that I'm sorry" he said. Her eyebrows pushed together. "I was terrible your first time at cousins. And I wanted to tell you that even with everything happening I was happy".

Tears welded in her eyes as she stared at him. His hands grasped hers "I love you Angelica Taylor Loven Mendoza. I love that you're so kind to everyone even when they are being assholes.

I love How you'd jump in front of a train to see someone smile. I love that even after we broke up you still came to the hospital everyday to make sure me and jere ate. You're the one I want" Conrad poured his heart out.

"You don't even know who I am. I'm different now Conrad" she mumbled to him.

"But i do. Your Angelica Taylor loven Mendoza. Your favorite color is green because it doesn't get enough love. You want to become a marine biologist.

You'd give anything for someone else because you're selfless. You'll laugh at someone's joke though it wasn't funny. You'd sit through a class you didn't want because you're too afriad to hurt your teachers feelings.

You put up with being second to everyone because you hate arguing.

You slammed a girls face in a window for making Cassie cry. You forgave belly after she shot you with a firework. You think cat videos are funny and you don't share food opinions because you're scared to upset anyone.

You chose my happiness over yours" he rambled.

"What I'm trying to say is- whenever I'm with you I'm just happy" he smiled.

- Angelica's pov-

This was it. He was it. My Conrad fisher was back. The boy I fell in love with years ago and haven't stopped loving since. The keeper of my heart through our best and worse times.

"I love you so fucking much" i muttered. He pulled me into his arms and placed his warm lips onto mine.

There was one thing I knew for sure in this moment. i was unconditionally and irrevocably in love with him, Conrad fisher.

He was everything I've ever wanted. And I was prepared to be with him once again. There was no cam or Steven or belly. It was me and Conrad. Him and I, how it was supposed to be.

Our summer of love- Conrad fisher Where stories live. Discover now