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-Dreams and gifts-


A cold arm wrapped around her. "Conrad you're freezing" she muttered softly, moving from his grasp. "Conrad?" A voice that made her blood turn to ice sounded. Her eyes flew opened and she was staring at those cold, empty brown eyes.

"What are you doing here?!" She flung herself off the bed like it was lava. Her body pressed against the wall. He sat up "Aw come on Angel, did you really think it was that easy to get rid of me?" He asked.

Angel. Only he called her that, the name made bile rise from her throat. She pressed her tongue against the roof of your mouth. "Get out" she said squeezing her eyes shut. He was now on his knees in front of her. "Open your eyes and look at me" he snapped.

Her eyes squeezed tighter "go away" she begged, salty tears poured from her eyes. "Look at me!" He grabbed her hair. "Go away Aaron!".

Angelica shot up from her bed with a gasp. She ran to the bathroom, her knees pressed into the cold wood floor as she hunched over the toilet.

Once her stomach was empty she fell back leaning her head against the tub. The cold porcelain cooling her body. Tears poured down her face as she sobbed weakly. With no more energy she leaned onto the cold floor crying.


"Good morning everyone" Angelica greeted. To everyone but Conrad and Cassie she was just as bright and chipper as yesterday. They didn't notice her bottom lip chewed raw and the sides of her nail stained with small amounts of blood.

When Conrad had came back in she was gone but saw the light on. He assumed she was using the bathroom and went to sleep. "Good morning. How'd you sleep?" Susanna asked.

"I slept great, how about you?" Angelica asked sitting beside Jeremiah who shoved cereal in his mouth. "I slept just fine" Susanna smiled at her.

"Want a muffin Angel" Angelica whipped toward her "what did you say?" She asked. "Do you want a muffin? You okay Angie?" Cassie asked. "Yeah! Im okay, no Thanks on the muffin" Angelica said.

"You sure?" Conrad asked. She nodded and excused herself upstairs. Conrad followed her with a glass of ice water. She sat on the bed with her head in her hands.

She felt the bed dip beside her and she looked up fast. Conrads eyes stared back at her. She loved his eyes, soft, green, and made her feel warm. His eyes reminded her of the emeralds her mother use to wear when she still acted like a mother.

He offred the water to her, she took a few sips before putting it down. "Connie?" She asked. "Yes?" He looked at her, "just hold me please".


Tomorrow was belly's birthday and Angelica desperately wanted to get her a good gift. Conrad how ever was looking for a gift for Angelica. 2 days after the Fourth of July was Angelica's.

The two held hands as they walked into a jewelry store. "Oh Connie look!" Angelica clapped excitedly. He looked down at a cute little pearl and pink bracelet. "It's perfect!" Angelica grinned.

"It's amazing" but he was no longer looking at the bracelet but at Angelica. She looked up at him with a large smile. He admired the way her hair framed her face, the pale yellow two piece that adorned her body and her necklaces.

He always wondered why she had a singular small pearl on her necklace. He never bothered to asked. "Oh! There is the lady making Cassie's necklace. You know my pin, can you buy the bracelet for me?" She asked.

He nodded and took her card. He stuffed it in his pocket having no intentions to use it. He bought all the gifts before meeting her outside. She held a small blue bag in her hand.

"Cass is gonna love it" she grinned. The two set off home.

"Nothing is working" belly groaned in frustration. Cassie sat on the girls floor ignoring her. "Wait. Who is this?" Belly flipped around her phone to show a old post of Angelica and some tall brunette boy.

Cassie's stomach turned at the thought of the boy. "Aaron Mitchel. Her ex" Cassie muttered. "Is he still in love with her?" Belly asked flipping around her phone. She examined the picture closely.

It looked as if a bruise on her neck but belly brushed it off as a hickey. Cassie was in the picture along with a girl with brown hair and brown skin.

Aaron had a grip on Angelica and her smile looked tight. Belly scrolled through his insta some more. Angelica always had the same tight smile and Aaron never left her side.

Then she found one of them kissing and that was set in stone for her.



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