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The fall I wrote about you



However she sat in the school bathroom crying. Her whole speech was directed to Conrad and her gratitude for him. Clearly that was off the table now given his new relationship.

"You're about to start" Alex frowned rubbing her back. Angelica took a deep breath and dabbed under her eyes. "Is my makeup okay?" She asked gesturing to her liner.

"It's great go" Alex shooed her. Angelica spared a quick glance to her black cap and down and white two piece dress underneath before walking out.

She sat in a chair in the first row anxiously. "Now the hard working student I am honored to introduce this years class president and valedictorian, Angelica Loven-Mendoza" her principal gestured to her.

Angelica could hear the loud cheers of her friends and family as she waltzed on stage. She swallowed thickly before stepping to the mic. "Good evening everyone. My name is Angelica Loven Mendoza".

She smiled gracefully as everyone fell silent.

As I stand before my fellow classmates, teachers and mentors the one thing I would like to start to say is thank you. Though most of you didn't know me personally you all still contributed to my high school experience.

I want to send my class off with a message. It does not matter what kind of person you were to get the cards you have been delivered it matters on what kind of person you are to play them.

Her eyes locked with Conrad.

As we can see now, petty drama, boyfriends, girlfriends, stressful exams we never thought we were gonna get through matters. You could be the sweetest more caring person alive and there would still be someone there to hurt you.

Conrad's eyes casted to the ground. She pulled her eyes away from him and onto Alex's.

However I was fortunate enough to have a wonderful sister and brother by my side. So what I am telling you is, your story is yours and nothing can bother you if you don't let it.

Thank you all, I am Angelica Loven-Mendoza, 2020? Class president and I'll see you all in life.

The graduating students erupted into cheers as Angelica walked off of stage. Conrad stole glances at Angelica as she laughed with her friends.

"Conrad?" A familiar voice said from behind him. He turned to see Cassie standing behind him. She wore a thigh length skirt and a black top under her open graduation gown.

"What do you want" he muttered. He noticed the fading bruising around her nose. "I'm sorry. You know what it's like to be in love with someone like her" she said. The two looked over to the grinning Latina.

"When you're away from her it tears a hole in your chest. The way she can make any problem of yours disappear" Cassie said. "We both hurt her. I've chosen to keep my distance as she asked, but I don't think you can".

"Shut up Cassandra" he rolled his eyes. "You know she'll run back to you, you'll always have her heart Conrad, it was never me so don't take that for granted" the blonde muted before going to walk away.

"Cass?" He called making her stop. "Did she um" he pointed to his nose. "I shouldn't have said what I said" Cassandra touched her face. "I was so mad and angry, I wish this summer never happened".

"You're a real bitch you know that?" Cassie stormed into the girls bathroom. Angelica was fixing her makeup with nici. "You have some fucking nerve Cassandra. You're lucky I didn't punch you in the fucking mouth" Angelica snapped.

"Of course you'd resort to violence it's not like you tricked me for the last four years of my life" Cassandra yelled. "No one told you to fall in love with me! Get over you're pathetic crush Cassandra you're just fucking delusional" Angelica spat.

"Pathetic? You're fucking pathetic no wonder Conrad would have cheated on you with belly" that was the line. Conrad had been a very touchy subject for the Mendoza girl.

Before anyone could say or do anything Angelica punched Cassie in the nose.

When Angelica got home it had been a pain harboring in her chest. Seeing Conrad, talking about him. A red box laid on her bed. 'I know you don't want to hear from me so I'll give you space. But just in case- Love Connie, ps.I love you'.

She scoffed throwing the card across the room. She opened the box and inside broke her heart. It was a ton of letters all addressed to her from Conrad.

A small note resided inside the box sat neatly onto all the wrapped letters. All my thoughts about you, 167 days. -love Connie

To say the least she had no choice but to sit and sob.

Our summer of love- Conrad fisher Where stories live. Discover now