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-The great Christmas morning-


The fisher twins yelled jumping on their parents beds.

"Mom? Dad?" Maddy questioned when she realized her parents were waking up. She pulled the covered back to reveal two mannequins. "Rahhh" Conrad and Angelica yelled scooping up their children.

The two squealed as their parents woke them up. "You'll never be able to wake up earlier than us!" Angelica grinned as she tickled her son. "I tap i tap!" Maddy laughed as she tried to pry her fathers ticking hands from her abdomen.

The parents let go of their kids. Matteo looked at his sister "I told you they would get us" the boy poured. "Who cares we can open gifts! Can't wait to see what grandma and grandpa bought!" Maddy gleamed as she raced her brother.

Conrad kissed his wife's cheek. "Merry Christmas lovey" he smiled at her. "Merry Christmas Connie" she said before bolting down stairs. Conrad chased her "no fair!" He said as she giggled down the hall.

The two met in the living room. A big green tree sat in their living room. Lights and white decorations littered the tree. The kids sat on the white rug with their matching green stripe pajamas.

Matteo had picked out this years color scheme much to maddys dismay. Conrad had picked out the reindeer slippers that everyone had one. One by one the kids ripped open the gifts excitedly.

"I got something for you" Angelica  smiled. "Lovey you didn't have to " Conrad smiled as he watched her get up. She disappeared outside before coming in with something jiggling.

Something jumped on his lap with a small bark. On his lap sat the cute little weiner dog conrad had been begging her for.

"You got me a dog" His eyes lit up like a child's. "You got daddy a dog! Mom this is so cool" Matteo grinned jumping to stare at the dog. Conrad pulled his wife into his side kissing the side of her head. "I love you" he said.

Angelica snuggled deeper into his side. "I love you too". "Mommy this one is from dad" maddy plopped a wrapped box onto her mothers lap. "This one too!" Matteo dropped another on his moms lap.

She opened the first box to reveal a light blue Chanel set. Conrad had always loved buying her things.

For their wedding Conrad saved up a ton of money and bought Angelica a Vivian Westwood wedding dress that she loved.

Tears welded up in her eyes "Connie" a tear slid down her cheek as she kissed his cheek. She looked back at the set "it's absolutely gorgeous. Thank you" she smiled.

She pulled it off her lap and opened the next box. "Daddy helped us make it" Matteo grinned. In the box sat three beaded bracelets. One said Matteo with blue beads. Another said Maddy with light purple beads and the last said fisher family with a mix of blue and purple beads.

She slid the three bracelets on. "I love it Thank you" she placed a kiss on both her children's foreheads and one on her husbands lips. Maddy and Matteo sunk back onto the floor playing and opening up gifts from relatives and their parents.

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