Chapter 62

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Chapter Sixty Two

Lexie's P.O.V.

I was hoping this trip wasn't going to take much longer, we had been on the road for a week and I was so tired of looking past fields that had nothing in them. Tired of wondering how long we had been driving for even though I knew it wasn't very long.

Justin was being so patient with me, he didn't push me to talk about things or let it out. He just kept humming to the radio letting me lean up against the door as we came closer and closer to our new home.

Now six hours into our four day trip I didn't know how much longer I could sit in his truck being quiet. I knew he was worried when I didn't say anything but honestly I enjoyed being quiet with him, it wasn't awkward.

A quick bump in the road brought me back to reality, I got lost in my thoughts so often it was a common thing now. Justin had gotten used to it too, the blank stare on my face when I just thought.

"Hey babe?" I called causing him to immediately perk up. "How are you feeling?" I asked knowing the driving was probably taking its toll on him.

"I'm fine love" he smiled, that smile I had fallen in love with so many times. "How are you?"

"I'm okay" I smiled which I hadn't done in days, "I'm getting excited to see our new home"

"It's not much, just a four bedroom house and three bathrooms. I think it has an acre of land on it"

"Justin that's a lot" I said as my mouth practically hit the floor.

"Not out here it's not" he said as we continued driving down the highway. "the minimum for housing is about five to six bedrooms. I guess it's because a lot of the farmers make a lot of money so they build bigger houses"

I nodded processing how big his house was, mine was only three bedrooms, granted it was two stories but still not four bedrooms. Guess it was good we would have our own space.

Justin stayed quiet keeping his eyes on the road. "Babe how much longer do you think we have?" I asked, I was ready for this trip to be over.

"Not too much longer love"

I sighed watching as we passed land that was completely flat. I didn't know how people could live on this. Just miles and miles of nothing. It wasn't even farm land or had anything growing on it, just flat.

He switched stations on the radio turning it up a little to keep us occupied. His truck was filled with my things and trash we accumulated over the drive. It was a pretty comfortable ride for it being a truck, I actually liked it.

Curling my legs up beside me I drifted off listening to the radio. This time I felt safe and protected, I was beginning to relax about this whole thing. Closing my eyes I settled down hoping we didn't have to do this for much longer.


Justin's P.O.V.

"Lexie, sweetheart?" I called seeing her completely passed out again. She was sleeping so much it kind of scared me. I took a deep breath grabbing her dainty little hand to place a kiss on it.

Last time I checked the navigation system we were about three hundred miles away so about five to six hours. I kept a pretty steady pace wanting so badly to get out of this truck and quit driving.

This was worth it though, having Lexie with me all the time. I wouldn't have to drop her off at home, I wouldn't have to say goodbye to her, I had her to myself. I was honestly surprised she wasn't bringing up marriage since this was a big step in our relationship, but she didn't push it.

I'm not even sure she was thinking about it, the move must have had her mind occupied. I wasn't going to stress it though, we already had too much going on. Once we got home I'm sure we would both go straight to sleep.

Kara had been texting me during the trip, her parents gave up. She said they came to the conclusion that she was selfish enough to run away. I made her keep it quiet from Lexie since I knew what that would do to her. Honestly I could care less what her parents said, I was going to take care of her now.

Four hours later I pulled into the driveway, thank goodness this drive was over! Sure enough it was nineteen degrees outside with snow. Turning off the engine I shook Lexie to wake her up.

"Love, we're home" I said once her eyes fluttered open.

"We are?" She asked sitting up to look around. I nodded jumping out of the truck. It felt so good to stretch my legs.

Rounding the bumper of the truck I went to Lexie's side opening up her door. She kept examining things but couldn't see much since it was so dark. "Come on" I chuckled seeing her eyes wide with amazement.

"It's beautiful" she whispered taking in the snow around her. Helping her out of the truck I started walking to the door. "Honey wait" she called grabbing my hand to spin me around and press her lips against mine.

Wrapping my arms around her she pulled back with that gorgeous smile of hers. "I've always wanted to know what it felt like to kiss in the snow" she chuckled bumping her nose with mine.

I was really expecting no emotion or reaction from her but she seemed fine. "I love you" I whispered taking in her perfume.

"I love you too" she reached up wrapping her arms around my neck.

We walked into the house hearing dad watching the television and mom on the phone. My family were definitely night people, they loved staying up late doing whatever. I grabbed Lexie's hand dragging her into the kitchen to see mom.

Mom squealed once she laid eyes on us grabbing both of us into a hug. I chuckled while Lexie smiled returning the hug. "Mike!" She yelled across the house while dad strolled into the kitchen.

"Hey glad you made it back" he said bringing me in for a hug then kissing Lexie's forehead. She smiled and I knew my family accepted her as one of their own. "Troy! Jasmine! Get in here!" Dad shouted to the hall of the house.

The two of them quickly appeared greeting us with hugs. I was exhausted from the trip and ready to get to bed. "Hey guys would you mind if we head to sleep? We are drained" I spoke up watching all of them nod their heads.

"Come on love" I said grabbing her small hand. "I'll show you around tomorrow"

Lexie did not hesitate taking my hand in hers as I led her upstairs to my room. Opening the door I chuckled seeing it was spotless. It didn't take us long to get under the covers. It felt so nice to be in my own bed again, with Lexie with me. I wrapped my hand around to her stomach before we both fell asleep, we were exhausted.

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