Chapter 22

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Chapter Twenty Two

Justin's P.O.V.

"Come on love you need to wake up" mom shook my foot as I groaned. I hated mornings. Today was supposed to be a lazy day, Troy and I were going to help grandpa clean up the garage and wash his truck for him.

Pushing myself off the bed I headed into the bathroom for a quick shower. I decided not to go for a run this morning since it was close to noon. My fight was scheduled for a couple of weeks, I was getting more nervous every day.

This fight was going to determine if I made it into the MMA league. Christina had set up a scout to come watch this one so it was really important to me. Everyone was going to watch me, my grandpa, parents, and Troy. I was pumped about it.

After I grabbed a cup of coffee I headed back into my room to see my phone light up. I chuckled seeing Kara text me, she was determined to make mine and Lexie's relationship work no matter what. 'Hey, I don't think you should come see Lexie today. She's super sick'

I quickly text back a reply, 'I was planning on coming over later, how sick is she?'

'Pretty bad, she's had her head in the toilet for the past hour'

'Did she get food poisoning?'


'Oh, I'll be there as soon as I finish some things'

'I'm warning you'

'Trust me I've seen worse' I chuckled remembering the time Penny got pregnant. Long story but the guy left her and I stepped in to take care of her, longest six months of my life.

I didn't mind caring for her but she was already needy before she got pregnant and then when she was pregnant everything had to be absolutely perfect. I did it though, even in the delivery room. If I could get through that I can handle any pregnant woman, even Lexie.

I laughed imagining Lexie with a swollen belly carrying our first child. Wow, I needed to slow down. She was still hesitant about us right now. Last night she didn't call which made me uneasy, I wanted to see if she was alright after we left.

Walking out to the driveway I saw Troy grabbing the bucket to wash grandpas truck. "Hey little bro, mom just told me you got yourself a girlfriend"

I was seriously in no mood for this today, "Yeah" I quickly replied filling up the bucket with water.

"Too bad she said yes to you before she got to know the both of us" he smirked like he was hiding something, he only got that look when he had a plan.

"Don't mess with me or her you got it?" I snapped pouring the soap along with the water.

"Oh big talk, just give up. She doesn't want you, it's only a summer fling"

I just kept quiet, if I said something else I'd snap and we'd possibly get into a physical fight. You would think since we hadn't seen each other in three years we'd be getting along really well but no. Troy was still the same perverted obnoxious guy he always was.

He was wrong, Lexie was not that type of girl. She must have been really interested in me to even say yes to dating and then making things exclusive. I knew her, she would only pursue something if she had a feeling it was going to work.

We finished washing grandpas truck in silence. The look on his face scared me, he was seriously thinking hard about something. I quickly changed and grabbed the keys so I could drive to Lexie's. If her period was as bad as Kara was making it sound I was in for a rough afternoon.

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