Chapter 58

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Chapter Fifty Eight

Lexie's P.O.V.

A few days had passed as I spent them working and spending time with Marilyn at the hospital. She was perfectly fine and was up talking but the doctors wanted to keep a watch on her. So the four of us hung out just talking about whatever.

I talked to Justin everyday but we hadn't seen each other since he snuck over to the house. It was so hard knowing he was about ten minutes away but we couldn't blow our cover. Dad still thought he was in Oklahoma and mom, she didn't pay attention to things like that.

So today was spent answering calls and filing papers, something I was used to doing. My parents were in my moms office discussing who knows what about the company so I hummed along to the song stuck in my head.

Working for my parents wasn't as difficult as I thought it would be but maybe we were still in the new stage of change. Dad was gracious enough to let me work only a few hours so I was able to go to the hospital.

Thankfully Garrett was fine now and wasn't needing as much help from me, he was looking up since Marilyn was awake and he was practically love stricken with Lisa. I chuckled seeing how much all of our lives changed this summer.

Justin and I had to get going soon if he wanted to meet with Jesse, his potentially new manager. I still think it was for the best that I didn't manage anything for him, I didn't want to get into fights about his career. He seemed upset about it but hopefully once we met this guy he would be okay.

Then dad waltzed into the room wearing a small smile, something I was getting used to seeing. "Lexie your mom and I are going to go show a house, you want to come or finish up the filing?" He asked.

My face immediately lit up, this could be it. "I think I'll finish filing since I'm almost done"

"Okay" he nodded grabbing his keys so I quickly ran over to them hugging both of my parents.

"Where's Bradley?"

"He is at Kara's" mom smiled fixing up her hair. "I swear that boy is love struck"

"Okay love you!" I called out as they headed down the hall, this was it! Everyone was gone. I ran up to my room as fast as I could dialing Justin's number with shaking fingers. This could be our only chance. He picked up and I didn't waste any time. "Justin baby, now"

"Now love?"


"I'm on my way, I'll be there in two minutes love" he said before hanging up so I took that as my cue to go grab all of my things.

Lugging down the suitcases one by one I set them by the door so we can easily haul them out. I had never moved this fast in my life, guess Justin meant way more to me than I thought.

Grabbing my purse I shoved my iPad and phone into it looking over and under each part of my room to make sure I got everything. My clothes were gone, my laptop was in one of the suitcases, the teddy bear grandpa had given me was packed.

Justin told me not to pack any blankets because he had his own for us. Then I made a bag of bathroom necessities since I didn't know where we would be staying on the way. Running out of my room I saw Justin speed walking towards the door as I swung it open.

"You promise?" He asked before I crashed my lips on his, it felt so good to be with him again.

"Yes come on"

He nodded as I took one of the suitcases and he grabbed two as we rushed to pack everything in the truck. Thank goodness it only took us three trips to get everything. I sighed going back up to my room for a final goodbye.

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