Chapter 34

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Chapter Thirty Four

Justin's P.O.V.

I could not believe any of this, Lexie really thought Christina was ruining my career. Which when I actually thought about it, she was right. Lexie noticed all the brand name things Christina was wearing.

A dolce and gabanna purse, coach wallet, Christian loubution heels, she was definitely spending more of my money than I thought. The more I looked into it, the more I saw how much she was tricking me. Lexie did a little research and found out this fight was going to bring fifteen thousand but Christina told me it was only ten.

So she was ripping me off by five thousand dollars, which could pay for a personal trainer. How in the world did I not see this before? I was curious how much money she was actually taking from me without me knowing.

Well all that was coming to an end because in a few days when I saw her again, she was fired. Next fighting season Lexie was going to be my manager, thankfully we had a few months so I could teach her everything.

Right now I was just excited that she agreed to it. I scooped her up carrying her all around the house to find mom. Once I got to the living room mom came through the kitchen. "What is it baby?" she asked while I set Lexie down on her feet.

"Mom, Lexie is going to be my manager for fighting now" I smiled watching as her face fill up in shock.

"Honey, do you think that's the best idea?" she asked making me look down at Lexie and her look up at me. "Oh sweetie I'm not meaning that in a bad way but I've heard you don't know much his career"

"Rose, I can learn. His current manager is already screwing things up with all her amazing ideas so-"

"Mom, she managed this guys motocross career, I think she can handle this"

"Justin this is your career and if you want to pay her to be your manager, that's your decision" with that she walked away back into the kitchen.

"Well that was weird" Lexie spoke up still keeping her eye on where mom went. I nodded focusing on her, why did mom act like that?

Then it hit me, we were leaving very soon and it was going to be difficult teaching Lexie everything. She was like me, hands on learning was the only way it would click for her. "That makes sense" I whispered seeing Lexie's gaze whip up to mine. "Were going home soon"

"Wait...what? When?" she spun around completely focusing on me.

"A couple of weeks"

"Why didn't you tell me this sooner?"

"I was going to love, I promise. I was just so worried about you after the fight that I completely forgot. You aren't mad are you?"

She sighed as I scanned every emotion that was flashing through her eyes. "No, we knew this was coming. I agreed to being with you and now...well I don't know what now but I'm fine"

"Love, we are going to find some way to make this work. I'm not leaving you"

"I know" she said as I felt her phone go off in her pocket. "Listen, I got to go. I'll see you later" quickly pecking my lips she headed out the door.

She was upset, I knew she was. Ever since we started dating she had been scared of this very moment. So badly I wanted to run after her but decided against it when Troy asked for my help. I was curious what he was going to do about Jasmine, she wasn't his summer fling I could see that.

Maybe I could convince mom and dad to let her move in with us or find my own place out here so we could live together. All I knew was she was getting out of that house, away from her so called family. The tough part was trying to convince Kara and Garrett.

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