Chapter Nine

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Chapter Nine

Lexie's P.O.V.

"Come on Lexie, it's time to get up" mom gently tugged on my covers. I groaned, even at summer I had to get up early.

Well ten in the morning isn't early but still, Garrett and I were up late watching a movie last night. Mom tapped my back before making me get up. I swung my legs over the edge causing myself to sit up.

I hated mornings, especially today. My stupid period decided to show up so I was extra lovable today. Dad was supposed to train me to show a house to a client today. I knew the family so it wasn't going to be all bad.

My family knew I wasn't interested in real estate but they wanted me to have a plan b. I sighed running a hand through my bed hair, another bad thing about waking up.

"Good morning love bug!" Kara chirped through my room as she walked in.

"Shut up" I snapped pushing myself off the bed. I just felt bad. Really bad cramps, a pounding headache, nausea, and body aches. I hated absolutely hated this time of the month. "Sorry"

"Period?" She asked as I nodded. She wrapped me in a hug, I loved Kara. "Go take a shower, I'm playing on the iPad!" she called after me as I walked off.

"Okay!" I yelled back closing the bathroom door. I had three hours to get ready, shouldn't be too hard. Stripping down and letting the water flow on my back I relaxed, this was going to be a long day.


Justin's P.O.V.

"Hi sweetie, how's the packing going?" Mom walked into my room just as I was folding the last of my clothes.

"Almost finished" I smiled turning down my music to hear her. Two more days and we would be flying out. I was so excited. Excited to see grandpa, excited for a vacation in California, and very excited to finally meet Lexie again.

"Good, remember to double check" she handed me a list as she headed back out. I nodded turning up the volume to keep myself focused.

Music kept me going a lot of the times. Sometimes I'd get a little too into it and start doing the air guitar sliding across the floor in my socks. I always did that just part of how I listened to music. I laughed thinking how ridiculous I looked, rocking out like this at nineteen years old.

Oh well, it was fun. I never attended any dances at school because I couldn't dance to save my life but by myself, no one could stare at me weird or make jokes. I was definitely more different alone but then again who wasn't?

Finally all packed up and all I needed to remember was the things I'd be using later. Break time! Now my favorite part of the day, talking to my favorite girl! I was just in a good mood today, double checking to make sure I was alone I sent her the call.

It connected as Kara's face appeared on the screen. How was this girl always here? "Hey Justin, Lexie is in the shower right now but she-" Her attention went towards up as I heard the door slam, "Lexie, what are you doing?"

Kara flipped the camera to Lexie who was standing there in just a towel. "I have to get different panties because there's no more tampons!" Lexie yelled throwing the contents of her drawer across the room. Oh my goodness, she was in a very bad mood.

"Come on Lexie, it's not that bad" Kara tried calming her down. I honestly did not know how to deal with a girl on her period.

"Not that bad? I have to go around all day feeling like I'm wearing a diaper because there's no dang tampons!"

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