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"Life being an heiress"

"Miss Choi... Where's my daughter? It's her first day of work to the company.." Mr. Yoon said. Yoon Jeong hyo is a well known business man not only in Korea but in some countries in Asia. His wife passed away when she gave birth to Yoon Seri, he's one and only child and heiress of all of his wealth and power. She's living like a princess since her childhood days but Jeong Hyo realize that his daughter needs to stand on her own feet as she turn twenty six years old. And she needs to show on the company because she's his father heiress and soon CEO of Yoon's construction company.  Aside from that, the board didn't want to have a female CEO, so Jeong Hyo see it as a problem to Seri in the future and he needs to train her well to make a good impression to the board of directors. "Hyo Joo, call Miss Seri right away... She needs to go down here in thiry minutes, Arasso?" Ms. Choi whispered. "Arasso, Ms. Choi..." Hyo Joo said and she immediately went up to her room.

"Miss Seri... Your father is waiting for you at the dining area." Hyo Joo said. Hyo Joo is her personal assistant. Seri pick a pillow and put it on her face. "Miss Seri... Get up now please... You also need to go to your work today." Hyo joo said and take away the pillow on her face. "Yah! Hyo Joo... Please I want to sleep more..." She said. "Aishh.." Hyo Joo said. "Ms. Seri... Ms. Choi is here..." She whispered. Seri immediately seated up. She saw Hyo joo smiling and she saw that Ms. Choi wasn't there. She throw a pillow to Hyo Joo that laughing right now. "Yah!  Hyo Joo!" She said. "You really scared of her... Didn't you?" Hyo Joo said. Seri rolled her eyes and stood up and put her bathrobe on her body. "I didn't... I don't like to hear her loud voice... My head aches today because of the alcohol I take last night." She said. Hyo Joo smile faded. "Ms. Seri I knew it... You escaped last night, I saw you.." She said. Seri immediately cover her mouth. "Shhi... Let's keep it secret, Arasso?" Seri said. All the people saw her as spoiled brat princess of Yoon's empire, stubborn, mischievous and dated every man she meet. But she's a sweet, bubbly, innocent and kind for the few people who really knew her. Yes, she's mischievous sometimes and intentionally dated mens because all she wants is his father attention.

"Chairman Yoon will get maf if he will know it..." Hyo Joo said. "That's why keep your mouth shut and please... Let's keep it secret..." Seri said. Hyo Joo let out a deep sigh. Seri went down and go straight to the dinning area of their house. She saw her father seated at the center of the long table. She walks to approach him, "Good morning, Appa..." She said and she sit next to him. Jeong hyo look at his daughter who still on her robe. "Yoon Seri! I told you for how many times that don't go down wearing only a bathrobe." He said. "Please stop acting like an immatured and act according to  your age... What if someone saw you like that?" He added. Seri put down her spoon and stop from eating. "I thought you want me to join you on your breakfast today, but... I was wrong.." She said. "What?" He said. Seri look at her father. "You want me to go down because you want me to scold me rather than having a peaceful breakfast with your daughter." She said. Jeong Hyo frowned while looking at her. "How can I do that if my daughter didn't listen to me." He said. "No, you're the one who didn't listen to your own daughter.." She said. Seri smirked and stood up. "Yoon Seri! Where are you going? You didn't finish your food." He said. "I lost my appetite, Appa.. but thanks for inviting me. Excuse me, I'll prepare myself and I'll make sure that I'll behave in the company so... Don't worry.." She said. She walks away from him but Ms. Choi stop her. Seri look at her with teary eyes as she trying to hold her tears back. "Not now... Ms. Choi..." She whispered. Ms. Choi look at her and she step sideward to make a way for her. His father didn't speak as he look at her daughter going upstairs. Mr. Yoon let out a deep sigh. He admit that his relationship to his daughter is not as good as the normal father and daughter bond. "Chairman Yoon, I'm sorry if I'm going to speak..."Ms. Choi said. "What is it?" He said. "Please don't forget that Ms. Yoon is once a father's girl... She only needs your attention just like before..." Ms. Choi said. Mr. Yoon look at her,  "Ms. Choi... Please check on her and comfort her today..." Mr. Yoon said and stood up and pick his suitcase and coat and walk towards to the main door.

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