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Seri landed safety at Hongkong. Her flight was delayed because of the bad whether so she landed there in the morning. Mrs. Ri gave her the hotel and unit number where Jeong Hyeok stays. She immediately webt straight at the hotel. "Excuse me, where's the elevator for the VVIP suite?" She asked. "Can I know your name, Mam?" The receptionist asked. Seri smile, "Yoon Seri..." She said. "Are you already booked a suite?" The receptionist said. "Ani... I'm just here to visit someone... Vice Chairman Ri Jeong Hyeok..." She said with a smile on her face. Some of them immediately look at her and mesmerized by her beauty. "I'm his fiancée but I'm here to surprise him... He doesn't know that I'm already here." She said. "Annyeong Haseyo, Ms. Yoon... Let me assist you to his floor..." The Manager said. "Thank you..." She said.

Some of the staff are whispering but Seri ignored it. Some of them got starstruck when she saw her in person.

While waiting on the elevator to open. Seri caught the manager stealing glances on her. "I'm sorry... Your so pretty..." She said. Seri chuckled. "But you're also pretty, maybe because I find my perfect make up for me." She said as she was chuckled. "Anyway, what's your name?" She said. "I'm Anna Yiu.. Madame Yoon." She said. "No, Please don't call me Madame... Call me Ms. Yoon if you want to be formal but I prepared to call me by my name Seri." She said with her pair of eye smile. Anna smile and mesmerized by her beauty and humbleness. The elevator door open and they went inside.

"So, you're chinese? I thought your korean because of your accent was great." She said. Anna chuckled. "I just learn from my korean friends and in kdramas.." She said and they both laugh.


Jeong Hyeok immediately stood up and pick his clothes. "Are you leaving already?" Dan said. "What the hell Im doing here? What happened last night? Why I'm with you?" He said. Dan laugh. "Really, Jeong Hyeok? You didn't remember what happened last night?" She said. Jeong Hyeok look at her, Dan is naked and only a blanket that covers her body. He try to recall what happened but he couldn't remember, his head is still aching. "Ri Jeong Hyeok shhi... We had fun last night... I knew it, you missed our intimate time together.." Dan said. She stood up and walk towards him. Jeong Hyeok push her and trying to control himself. "I don't believe you..." He said. He immediately pick and wear his clothes and went outside her room. Dan smile devily. "You're on my trapped now, Jeong Hyeok..." She said.

Jeong Hyeok is about to leave when Dan suddenly speak. "I had a great time, Jeong Hyeok... I hope there's still next time..." She said. Jeong Hyeok gave her a death glared. "Dan I'm warning you... Stay away from me and Seri. This was a mistake and there's no next time for this!" He said.  and went outside and slammed her door. "Aniyo! If there is someone who should be away from you, it's Seri not me. I owned you first and it's time for you to return in my arms." Dan said.

Meanwhile, Seri and Anna is still outside of Jeong Hyeok's suite. "It's odd? Vice chairman Ri is an early person..." Anna said. "Maybe he had a hang over..." Seri said. "Oh, Yes... I forgot they had a celebration party last night. If you want, Ms. Yoon I can open his suite if you let me. I brought a spare card key here." She said. Seri smile. "Can you, please? Thank you..." She said. Anna nodded. When the door opens, Anna help her to bring her luggages inside before she left.

Seri look around his suite while she's walking towards his room. She take a deep breath before she open the door.  She want to surprise him but she's the one who got surprised when she saw an empty room. She didn't saw Jeong Hyeok inside. The bed was neat. "Where is he?" She said. She check the bathroom but she didn't find him. She was about to go outside his room to search for him when she suddenly feel dizzy. She seated on the bed and try to relax herself. She immediately pick her phone and call him but it's still turned off.

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