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"Sweet Love"

After her warm bath, Seri went outside to the room with only a bathrobe that she's wearing. "Babe..." She called. Jeong Hyeok look at her and he got choked when he saw her like that. He feel that his body heated and his face is blushing. "Babe... Are you okay?" She said when she approached him. Jeong Hyeok look away and trying not to look at her. "Why you still on your robe?" He asked. Seri smile awkwardly. "I forgot to bring my clothes, can I borrow some clothes of yours?" She said. Jeong Hyeok nodded, "Sure..." He said. Seri notice him feel unease but she ignored it and went back towards to his room.

She saw his white shirt and panjama. "Oh god.. my undergarments?" She said. "Eottoke..." She said. She look at on it. "Maybe it didn't noticeable if I didn't wear any of it." She said. She immediately wear it and put the towel on her hair, when Jeong Hyeok knock. "I'm done" She said. She immediately went outside and saw him already seated at the dining area. "Let's eat..." He said. "Wow... It looks like delicious, Babe.." She said and she immediately seated. "When did you learn to cook, Babe?" She asked. "When I was in highschool... Halmeoni taught me the basic but I learned that it was fun and now, I enjoy cooking." He said. Seri nodded as she's eating with gusto. Jeong Hyeok look at her and he let out a small Laugh when he saw some rice on her face. "Waeyo?" She asked. She hold her glass to drink but Jeong Hyeok accidentally hit the glass when he's about to take off the rice on her face. The water spill on her shirt. "Oh my..." She said when she feel her shirt is all wet. "I'm sorry..." He said as he stood up and approach her to wipe her. He gulped when he saw her bossoms peeking on her wet shirt. Seri realize that she didn't wear any under garments that time. And her face suddenly turning red. Jeong Hyeok look up to avoid her bossoms but when they eyes met, they both feel the heat on their bodies. Jeong Hyeok kiss her gently. Seri close her eyes and let him kiss her. He kiss her passionately yet gently and Seri moaned when he bite her lower lips. He knew that Seri didn't know how to kiss back but she let him led her.  Jeong Hyeok try to control himself as he didn't want to take advantage on her. He stop the kissing before he couldn't control it. They both breathless and they look at to each other. "I'm sorry... I don't know how to kiss properly... You're my kiss and... Your also the first man who can touch me just like this." She whispered. "god, Babe... You know how seductive you are right now... And hearing that, it gets me more tempted by you..." He whispered. He pull her closer to him and he kiss her again but this time in the most possessive yet sweet kind of kiss. Seri feel his warm breath and soft lips suck and bite her lips and it feel so good on her and her body feel the heat. "Babe... Can I touch you? You can stop me if you didn't want it..." He said with his heavy breath. Seri nodded and she smile. "I'm all yours, Babe... I trust you.." She said. Jeong Hyeok smile and carry her towards the bedroom. He gently lay down her on his bed. Jeong Hyeok look at her face. "You're so damn beautiful, Babe..." He said. Seri smile and her face blushed. He look at her lips and touch it. It was soft and dainty. "I won't allowed any other guy to touch and owned this..." He said. And he owned her lips once again. Seri moaned and Jeong Hyeok take this opportunity to slide his toungue inside her mouth. Her body tell that this is her first time touching by a man. She so sensitive and fragile. Jeong smile and happy knowing that he's the first man that she allowed to touch her. His hand travel on her body and he finds it a perfectly curved. Seri close her eyes when she feel his hand is on her bossoms. She feel the unbearable pleasure on it. Jeong Hyeok take off her shirt and throw it. Seri cover her bossoms with her arms cross on it. Seri blushed and felt shy. "Babe... Please don't look at me like that.." She said. Jeong Hyeok smile naughty. "Don't hide it... It's a sin to hide your beautiful body, Babe.." He said and he slowly take off her arms. He look at her bossoms and it fits perfectly on his large hand. He gently press her pinkish nipple and Seri's body react on it. Jeong Hyeok groaned when he saw her reaction. He started to suck and and encircled it with his tongue while his another hand press and play the other side of her bossoms. "Oh god..." She said and wrapped her arms around his neck.

Jeong Hyeok started to take off his shirt and unbuttoned his pants and throw it on the floor. He take off her panjama but Seri stop her. "Babe..." She said. Jeong Hyeok smile, "Trust me.." He said. He smile when he saw that she didn't wear any undergarments. "You plan to tease me, Babe?" He said as he chuckled. "Aniyo... I didn't... I forgot to bring my-" She said but Jeong Hyeok interrupt her with a kiss. "god, Babe you  didn't know how you make me crazy tonight..." He whispered. And he makes a small little kisses on her neck.   Seri felt his manhood rubbing on her waist while Jeong Hyeok kissing her bossoms down to her belly. Jeong Hyeok slightly spread her legs widely. He touch her core and Seri react. "You're so damn sensitive..." He said. And he started to insert one finger on her. Seri felt unbearable pleasure once again. She's so tight and wet that's why Jeong Hyeok slow inserted another finger and Seri moaned. SHe find herself started to play the rhythm. Her waist move and thrust in his hand as he slowly slid fingers on her core. Jeong Hyeok groaned while.he started to pull and push his finger inside of her. She's so tight and soaking. Seri bite her lips when she couldn't control the pleasure that Jeong Hyeok giving to her. Her fingernails dug at his back. He thrust her with his finger faster and faster until she hit her climax. Seri moaned as she close her eyes.

He wants to owned her tonight but her trust is more important than his needs.

Seri is half  ready and waiting for his movements when Jeong Hyeok kiss her on her forehead. She slowly open her eyes. "I love you, Seri..." He said. Seri smile and looking at him trying to guess why he stop. Jeong Hyeok kiss her on her lips. "When you fully ready for that... I will happily owned you.." He whispered. Seri smile and make her heart fluttered for knowing that his boyfriend always respect her. "I love you too..." She said. "I need to take a cold shower tonight Babe... But I'll clean you first." He said and he carry her naked body towards the bathroom. Seri chuckled and trying to avoid his gazed as she felt really shy.

This is the first to her having an intimate scene with someone. And she didn't regret it because it's worthy to gave her body to the man she really love. And she admits, she fall even harder to him because of his sweet gestures towards to her. While Jeong Hyeok clean her she look at h intently and her tears unknowingly escaped from her eyes. Jeong Hyeok stop and look at her, "Waeyo? Did I hurt you?" He said. Seri shake her head. "Ani... I was just so happy and lucky to be love by you... Babe, what should I do? I think I couldn't live my life without you..." She said. Jeong Hyeok smile and continue wiping her wet body. "Then, stay on my side and don't you ever think to leave me... I won't allowed it I swear..." He said. Seri smile and kiss him. "I love you..." She said. "I love you more..." He replied. Seri chuckled and pinch him on his nose.


Author's note

I forgot to tell you all that this chapter contains matured content... 😁😊❤️ How was it? 😅

Love lot's,
Ms. Seri12

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