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Seo woo is looking at Jeong Hyeok and Seri who are seated next to each other infront of him. Jeong Hyeok secretly  texted Seri and Seri read it.

'Remember rule number three...'

From: Mr. Ri

Seri gulped and gave him a death glared. "Yoon Seri... How did this happen?" Seo Woo asked. Seri let out a small laugh. "Uhm... It was fast..." She said. "Uhm... you know when I wake up the next thing I know I... I'm inlove with him." She added. Jeong Hyeok try not to laugh.  Seo woo look at him and Jeong Hyeok look at Seo woo's eyes. "So, he's a reason why you run away from your father, Seri?" Seo woo said in a serious tone. Seri got panicked because she never told it to Jeong Hyeok. Jeong Hyeok got shocked and look at her. Seri couldn't speak. 'Eotteoke!... Aishh..' In her mind. "Babe is that true? That you run away from your house?" Jeong Hyeok asked. Seri let out an awkward smile as she nodded. Seo woo look away because he can't bear what he's seeing right now that Seri is with some other guy. Jeong Hyeok look at to Seo Woo and he saw jealousy and pain in his eyes. "I'll go ahead... Let's talk some other time." Seo woo said and he stood up. Seri knew his feelings for her so she immediately stand up and follow Seo Woo. Jeong Hyeok got confused while looking at her from a far. "Is she also inlove with him?" He murmured.

"Kim Seo Woo..." Seri called. Seo woo stop from his walk and turn around to face her. "I'm sorry..." She said. Seo Woo look at her. "Are you really into him? Seri, I know you... You're not a type of girl who can fall easily..." He said. "And I couldn't believe what you're trying to say right now." He said. 'If I can tell you the truth, you will understand me... But much better if no one will know about our agreement...' In her mind. "I'm still expecting that you will see me as man.... That you will feel what I really felt for you." He confessed. Seri couldn't speak this is the third time he confessed his feelings for her. The first and the second time was when he was drunk but now, she admits that it hit her differently. "Seo woo..." She said. Seo woo let out a deep sigh. "Go back... Don't worry about me... I won't tell about it to Uncle Jeong Hyo."He said. Seo woo let out a force smile and turn around from her and he left. Seri remain standing and looking at him from his behind. "I'm sorry..." She whispered.


There's a moment of silence from the car until they're reach the hallway of the apartment building. Jeong Hyeok look at her but Seri is still in shocked in Seo woo confession. "I'm sorry..." He said. Seri distract on what she's been thinking. Jeong Hyeok stand in front of her. "I'm sorry about what happened earlier..." He said. Seri saw sincerity on his eyes and she smile forcely. "It's okay... They will know it sooner... I can hide this forever." She said. "I'll go in..  Mr. Ri... Thanks for today, I had fun despite on what happened." Seri said. She enter her password but she didn't go inside for a while. She turn around to face him. "Mr. Ri... Regarding on what you learn earlier... About me and my father... I'll tell you the details soon but for now, I want to be alone." She said. Jeong Hyeok smile. "Arasso... I'll understand..." He said. Seri smile, "goodnight.." She said and went inside to her unit. Jeong Hyeok let out a deep sigh.

Seri seated on the couch as she close her eyes. She felt hurt as she recall Seo Woo's face. "What's this? Yah! Yoon Seri... Why you feeling guilty. Seo woo is not your boyfriend and Jeong Hyeok is also not your real boyfriend... Aishh!" She said as she lay down on the couch and put the pillow on her face.

Meanwhile, Jeong Hyeok smile as he open his fridge and saw the different varieties of side dishes that Seri made for him. And he re read the notes that Seri put on the fridge.

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