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"Getting there"


"Vice Chairman Ri... This is all your schedules for the next two weeks." Chan Young said. "You're Seri's friend, it's okay to call me by my name..." He said. Chan Young smile. "I'll call you on it when Seri is officially your girlfriend, Vice Chairman... Is there any update about the two of you?" Chan Young said jokely. "She never give us an update and our curiosity kills us... If she said yes to you, you're lucky you are her first boyfriend." She said.

Jeong Hyeok was so happy that Seri's friend is supporting them even Seo Woo. That's why he gain more courage to make their relationship to enter the next level, when? He's willing to wait until Seri is ready.

"We're closer to that, I think.. and I hope so.. but for now we're enjoying the courting stage..." He said. "Oh! An old fashion lady... But she deserve to treat her like that... And thank you for your willingness to wait for her, I assured you, Vice Chairman Ri... It's worthy.." She said. Jeong Hyeok smile. "Chan Young, Can I know what are her favorites in foods, things, and whatever..." He asked. Chan Young let out a small laugh. "Yah, you don't need to memorize all of it. She's just like a kid.. she's simple and grateful even in a small things. She's clingy too, Aishh... Especially when she got drunk.. Aishh! I want to hide from her whenever she's got drunk." Chan Young said. Jeong Hyeok let out a small laugh. "But Seriously, she's easy to love but it's difficult to gain her trust again when you ruin it, so you better watch out for that. Honesty and sincerity is more important to her. That's all I can advice to you as her friend." She said. Jeong Hyeok make sure to remember it.

"Ms. Jeon.... Please cancel all my appointments this weekend... I have to go somewhere." He said. Chan Young smile, "Copy, Vice Chairman Ri..." She said.


Present days

Seri feel so exhausted this past few days. Because she needs to go to her work at the cafe and she also needs to go to her father's company.

She rested on the couch while her eyes close. "Oh.... I need a full body massage... Aigoo.." She said. Mr. Yoon saw her and he approached her. "Why don't you resign on your work and go back to our company?" He said and he sit on  the single couch. "Appa... You're still awake?" She said. "I don't want to resign there... I'm happy at my work.." She said. "Then why you need to do this? You became cooperative when it comes to our company. And now, look at you... You're exhausted." He said. Seri avoid his father's eyes. "You don't like it? I only help you and you always told me that I need to do this and that because I'm the future CEO of your company." She said. Mr. Yoon look at her but Seri avoid his gazed. "C'mon Yoon Seri... I know you... If you don't want to do it, you never do it." Mr. Yoon said. "Tell me, Is it because of him right?" He asked. Seri didn't speak because her father point it out. Jeong Hyeok always telling her that she also need to understand her father and her father needs her. "You're right, it's because of him." She said. Mr. Yoon look at her. "Appa... Jeong Hyeok is a good man... Please, give him a chance to prove that to you.." Seri said. Mr. Yoon rest his back on the couch. "Looks like my mischievous princess really into that man." He said. Seri let out a small smile. She stood up, "Am I that obvious?" She said. "Anyway, thanks for tonight... I miss this kind of conversation of us... Goodnight, Appa." She said and she walk upstairs. Mr. Yoon smile while looking at her. "Yaebo, our daughter's eyes is just like your eyes when inlove..." He said. He let out a deep sigh.

Meanwhile, Jeong Hyeok is still on his office finishing all the paper works he needs to review. Chan Young knock before she entered. "Vice chairman Ri... I'll go home now, is there anything that I can help before I go?" She said. "No, I'm okay here... You may go now... Thank You Ms. Jeon." He said. He got suprised when Chan Young put a  two lunch box sets on the table. "What's that?" He said. "Aishh! That girl name Seri requested me to give this to you." She said. Jeong Hyeok smile. "Where is she?" He asked. "She's been here earlier.. but she immediately left... She told me that she's so tired and she wants to get some rest." She said.

When Chan Young left, he immediately open the lunch box and he immediately read the notes on it.


I went to my unit today... I'll cook this for you and make sure you eat this... Chan Young told me that you have a lot of works today so... This is for you to have energy and to cheer you up...

Have a goodnight, Mr. Ri... Please make sure to have some rest and a good sleep after your work..

Yoon Seri

He smile and look at the foods. There's a heart shape rice that made from rice and nori. Amd it seems that Seri put a lot of effort to cook and prepare this. This is the first time he felt taking care by someone aside from his grandmother. In his past relationships with Dan, he's the one who make a lot of effort than her. He pick his phone and texted her.

Thanks for the food... I promise to eat this... Thanks for taking care of me... Goodnight.. My Seri...

Then he send it with a smile on his face.


Dan is on her place drinking another set of wine. "Dan stop it!" Na-ra said, Dan's best friend. "I lost him... His eyes is on someone else now... Nara... I won't accept that we broke up now." She said. Nara let out a deep sigh. "Then why you on him if you really love him?" She asked. "I told you to cut all the ties to your lover and now look at you, your crying here..." She said. Dan look at the window. "Yoon Seri... She's the one who should blame on this. She flirt my Jeong Hyeok... I will get him back  no matter what." She said. "How will you do it? It seems he's really into her. " Nara said. Dan smirked and drink her wine. "I can win him back, I'll make sure of it... Jeong Hyeok is mine... I'll put her back on her original place. That bitch..." Dan said.


Seri is walking on the side road to her work. When Jun Jae appear infront of her. "Yah! You startled me.." She said. Jun Jae laugh. "Why are you here?" She asked. "I saw you walking... And I want to have some coffee.." He said. Seri look at him. "Jun Jae... My workplace is far away from your office even from your place to have some coffee." She said. Jun Jae come closer to her, "Then, I want to see you..." He said and he get closer to her. Seri take one step backward and she didn't speak.

"Ms. Yoon... The handsome customer requested that he wants you to serve his coffee. It will be okay to you?" The staff said. Seri look at to Jun Jae who is smiling at her. She let out a deep sigh. "Arasso.. His my friend..." She said. Seri bring his order and she was about to leave when Jun Jae pull her to sit. "Please stay..." He said. Seri pull her hand and sit opposite to him. Jun Jae let out a small smile. "Jun Jae... Please stop this..." She said. "Waeyo? You're still single and I'm also single. I like you and I try to win your heart, Seri." He said. "But you can't..." She said. Jun Jae look at her. "Because there's someone who already own my heart... And you know who is he... I don't want you to get hurt... So please stop now..." She said. Jun Jae clench his fist and he feel the pain from inside. "What's this? The coffee is not good. It taste bitter..." He said. Seri stood up and turn around when Jun jae hug her from her behind. Seri's eyes got widen and she got shocked. "Yah! Let go..." She said. "Eottoke! I really like you... Yoon Seri..." He whispered.

Jeong Hyeok is infront of the cafe and saw them on that position. He clench his fist.

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