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"I'll always be your side"

Side Story

Jeong Hyeok and Seri are both excited to see their baby. Dr. Bong is conducting an ultrasound with them. Seri lying down on her bed while Jeong Hyeok is on her side holding her hand. They both smile while Dr. Bong pointed the location of their baby. "Did you see this one..." Dr. Bong said. The two nodded. Dr. Bong smile and look at them. "That one is his twins..." She said. The two exchanges glances. "Twins? She's bearing a twins?" Jeong Hyeok said. Dr. Bong let out a small laughters because of their reactions. "Yes, and congratulations... Both of them is healthy and their heart beats are both normal and okay..." Dr. Bong said. Seri got surprised, "You mean, there's two lives inside of me?" Seri said. Dr. Bong happily nodded. Seri look at to Jeong Hyeok and he hug her and kiss her on her forehead. Dr. Bong face them. "It's a good news Seri, you're having a twins and it confirmed on ultrasound. So you need extra caution. Avoid stress and I advice you to stay for a while here. You need a complete bed rest. In your case, there's a tendency that you feel more fatigue." Dr. Bong said. Jeong Hyeok hold her hand. Tightly. "Please take your vitamins on time... And I'll always check on you. I need to monitor your heart." She added. "Kamsahamnida, Dr. Bong... I promise to do your advice..." Seri said.  Dr. Bong smile. "Mr. Ri can I talk to you for awhile?" Dr. Bong said. Jeong Hyeok look at to his girlfriend, Seri smile and nodded.

"I know, you already know her situation.. so I need your help to do monitoring on her when I'm not here.." Dr. Bong said. "Dr. Bong is it more dangerous for her to bear a twins?" He asked. Dr. Bong let out a deep sigh. "Honestly, yes, Mr. Ri. It's too risky but I see on her face how happy she is that's why I couldn't tell it directly." Dr. Bong said. Jeong Hyeok felt more worried behind on his happiness. "Be prepared but let's both try to give our best... And let's pray that her heart and body can bear the pain while she's pregnant. I'm happy that you're here for her, Seri is a brave girl yet she's afraid on something might happen but now I see how you make her worries turn to excitement. " Dr. Bong said. Jeong let out a small smile. "Please stay at her side, she needs you..." Dr. Bong said. "I will... Thank you doctor..." He said.

Seri try to stood up to reach the bouquet of peonnies that Jeong Hyeok brought for her. She walk slowly and carefully. She smile while smelling it. She let out a sweet smile as she recalled their first days of being together. She suddenly feel an arms wrapped around her waist. "Why your standing here? I told you to have some rest." Jeong Hyeok said. Seri smile and turn around to face him and still Jeong Hyeok's arms is on her waist. "I also need some walk, Babe..." She said. "I know, but this is an early stage of your pregnancy... It's risky for you and for our babies..." He said. He slowly carry her and lay her back at the bed. Seri let out a small laugh. Jeong Hyeok kiss her lips. "Let's get married..." He said. Seri look at him. "Waeyo? Because of our babies?" She said. "Because I love you, Seri... You're my life Babe... And I don't want to loose my life..." He said. Seri blushed and her heart fluttered. Jeong Hyeok is about to kiss her again when Seri's phone suddenly ring. He reach it and saw Jun Jae's name registered on the screen. Seri declined the call and put down her phone. "Is he still pursuing you?" He asked. Seri let out an awkward smile. "Just ignored him, Babe..." She said. "By the way, how's the case that you file against Dan? Babe, you don't have to do it... I already forgive you and we're still together..." She said. Jeong Hyeok hold her hands. "I have too... So she will stop trying to ruin us... I need to do it for you, for hurting your feelings... Babe, you're important to me above anything else. That's my regrets that day, for not showing you how much you mean to me... And now, let me make up to you and to our babies as well." Jeong Hyeok said. Seri smile. Jeong Hyeok caress her face. "From now on, I'll assure you that no one will separate us, Babe... You're mine and I'm yours..." He said and he hug her tightly. "I love you, Babe..." He whispered. "I love you so much, Babe... You know what? I'm happy that I make your wish came true... To have a twins.." She whispered. Jeong Hyeok smile and kiss her on her hair.


Dan manage to go back to Seoul and she hide herself in their old house. She couldn't believe that Jeong Hyeok sue her. "How dare you, Jeong Hyeok!" She said and she continue drinking her alcohol. She called Jun Jae and in third ring, Jun Jae answered her call.

"Why you didn't answer my calls? Dan said.

"Dan, please stop calling me... Jeong Hyeok file a case to you and I don't want to involve on that..." Jun Jae said over the phone.

"Wow! Really, Jun Jae? You'll leave me all alone now after I did everything trying to separate them.." Dan said.

"That's your plan and not mine, Dan... And what now? It looks like that your plan failed... Why? They're still together and Seri is pregnant with Jeong Hyeok's child..." Jun Jae said.

Dan got shocked and she got so mad.

"What did you say? Seri is pregnant?" She said.

"Yes, Chairman Yoon announced it at the meeting earlier... It's over Dan... So please stop now..." Jun Jae said.

Dan smirked.

"Aniyo! It's not over yet... He's mine.. I don't care if they're having a baby now." Dan said.

'I'll do everything just to have you back, Jeong Hyeok...' In her mind.


After how many days staying at the hospital, Dr. Bong granted her request to go home. "Are you sure, Dr. Bong that it will be okay for her to discharge now?" Jeong Hyeok said. Dr.  Bong smile and look at to Seri who is busy chatting to her friends Chan Young, Joo Hee and Seo Woo. "Yes, but may I suggest to hired some private nurse to look for her. And if anything happen or if she felt any kind of pain please, take her back here immediately or call me." Dr. Bong said. "And her medicines must be taken daily and on time. Avoid stress and as much as possible don't let her walk for too long." She added. Jeong Hyeok nodded. "Arasso.. I'll take note on that. Thank you Dr. Bong for taking care of her and our babies." He said. Dr. Bong smile.

"Wow! Congratulations... That's a surprise... Your pregnant with a twins... Aigoo!" Chan Young said. "Let's celebrate that, Seri..." She added. "Yah! No more alcohol for awhile, Ms. Yoon!" Joo Hee said. Seri laugh while looking at her bestfriends. "So, we're drinking the alcohol and you, you can eat anything what you want." Chan Young said to Seri. And they all laugh. "I want Ice cream, Can I have one now?" Seri said. "I'll buy for you, wait here.." Joo Hee said and she immediately went outside. Seri laugh but her smile faded when she felt something strange inside of her.  "Are you okay? Your face look so pale?" Seo woo asked. Seri smile. "I am... Anyway, thank you guys for visiting me here... I'm so bored right now..." She said. Seo Woo observed her, and he knew that there's something strange to Seri.

Seri keep her smile while feeling pain inside. She feel so exhausted and her chest tighten. Her sweat all over her face. "Hey, Seri!" Chan Young said. Seo woo immediately went outside the door to call Jeong Hyeok.

Seri look at to Chan Young. "I'm fine.." She said.

"Jeong Hyeok! Seri is.." Seo woo shouted. Jeong Hyeok immediately run and went inside.

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