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"Having alone time with her"

"You're being unprofessional, Yoon Seri..." Jun Jae said. When Seri try to go home early. "C'mon... I'm done at my job here... Can I go now?" Seri said. Jun Jae got furious because of jealousy he felt knowing that Seri trying to immediately finish her works to spend time with Jeong Hyeok, it's killing him. "What about us? What about me? We went here as a team. And this is a joint partnership between our company and your company." He said. Seri didn't speak. "You really want to spend time and having fun to your boyfriend while your team is still working. Yoon Seri, are you really sure that you will be the next CEO of your father's company in that kind of attitude." He added. Seri got hurt. "Yah! Heo Jun Jae..." She said. "Seri, Jeong Hyeok is also a CEO... He can fully understand you if you can't make it tonight for the sake of this joint project. For the sake of all the employees who are depending on you... Just Think about it..." He said and he walk outside the door. Seri let out a deep sigh. She got his point and he's right. She's his father representative for this project and she's acting like an immatured employee who wait for the clock to go home. She pick her phone and call Jeong Hyeok.


Jeong Hyeok is on his suite waiting for Seri. He decide to drink a can of beer while working and checking their company doings. His phone suddenly ring and he saw My Woman registered on the screen.

"Babe..." He said.

"Babe... Have you eaten?" Seri asked over the phone.

"Not yet... Let's eat together when get back. I cooked something for you." He said.

"Babe... I'm sorry but I can return early tonight... I need to help my team on some works here... I don't know what time I can go home tonight so you better rest and sleep." She said.

Jeong Hyeok felt sad but he understand her. Being a CEO or the one who responsible in a project is hard and restless.

"Arasso... Don't worry about me... I also working here at my suite... Have you eaten?" He asked.

"Jun Jae already ordered our foods here... Promise I'll make it up to you tomorrow... Please make don't skip a meal." She said.

"Yes, Babe I will... You too.. it's cold put a heat pack on your pocket, Arasso?" He said.

Seri chuckled.

"I will... I have to go Babe... Goodnight I love you..." She said.

"Goodnight... I love you more..." He said.

Jeong Hyeok look at his phone after their phone call.


Jun Jae heard their phone conversation and he smirked when he  successfully convinced Seri to stay with them for tonight. He walks towards to her and he put his coat on her. Seri got startled and turn around to check who is it. "It's cold here outside.." Jun Jae said. "You don't need to do this, Jun Jae." Seri said and  take off his coat from her but Jun Jae stop her. "Don't, this is my apology about what I said earlier... I'm sorry.." He said. Seri let out a small smile while Jun Jae fix his coat on her. "It's okay... Yes the words are hurtful but I understand your point." She said. "Your right, I need to act like a CEO of our company... That's my father always telling me. And I'm sorry for my action recently." She said. Jun Jae smile. "Let's get inside... And finish what we need to finish so all of us can go home and relax." Seri said. Jun Jae held her hand and Seri look at him and trying to pull her hand but Jun Jae Insist. "It's slippery... Let me assist you..." He said. Seri didn't react and let him.

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