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"Role Play"

Seri is still lying on her bed and staring blanky ahead at the ceiling. She still couldn't believe that she agree on Jeong Hyeok's plan. "Yah! Yoon Seri... What will you do?" She said. "If Appa will know about this. He will scold me for sure... Aishh..." She said. But on a contrary, she can also use his strategy to escape from that arrange Marriage. She seated up. "That's right! I can also use him for being my fake boyfriend..." She said and smile mischievously. "Anyway... What could be the reason why he need to do this? Oh.. maybe he's a gay?Oh my... What a handsome gay he is." She said and let out a small laugh. She heard her doorbell ring that's why she immediately wear her robe befire she went outside from her room. She saw Jeong Hyeok standing infront of her door. "Good morning..." He said. Seri look at him and remember what she's been thinking about him earlier and she try not to laugh. "Good morning... Come in.." Seri said. "You want coffee or tea?" She asked while walking towards the kitchen. Jeong Hyeok look at her. "I'll wait you here...  Let's eat on my unit." Jeong Hyeok said. Seri stop and turn around to face him. "I already ordered some food..." He said. Seri nodded. "Arasso... Why you need to go here? You can call me so that I can go to your place." Seri said. Jeong Hyeok scratch his head. "I forget to ask your number.." He said. "Ah.. I see..." She said. She walk towards to him, "give me your phone.." She said. Jeong Hyeok pick his phone from his pocket and gave her. Seri dial her number and call it. "Here.." She said. "Save it and I'll save yours." She said. "Give me fifteen minutes..." She said and she immediately return to her room. Jeong Hyeok watch her from a far and he smile.


"Where's Seri?" Seo woo asked when he didn't saw her on Chan Young's place. "She got a job as a personal assistant of Vice Chairman Ri, my boss." Chan Young said. Seo woo got surprised. "Did Seri apply for that job?" He said. Chan Young nodded. "Chan Young... Tell me where she is. I want to make sure that she's safe." He said. Chan Young look at him intently. "Waeyo?" He asked. "Tell me? Are you two are secretly dating? Are you her boyfriend?" She said. Seo woo didn't speak. "you're over reacting... Seo woo.. don't worry she's okay, in fact we had a phone call before you arrive." Chan Young said. Seo woo let out a deep sigh and walk towards the door. "Yah! Where are you going?" Chan Young said but Seo woo ignored her and continue to walk.

He try to call Seri but she didn't answer his call and it keeps ringing.


Seri is seated opposite to Jeong Hyeok. "Mr. Ri... Can I ask you something?" She said. They're on Jeong Hyeok unit. And they having breakfast together. "What is it?" He said. "Can I know why you need to do this? I mean, why you need to hired a fake girlfriend... Are you.. are you..." Seri said but she couldn't say the last word. Jeong Hyeok is waiting for her to finish. "Are you a gay?" Seri asked. Jeong Hyeok choked and Seri immediately gave him a glass of water. "It's okay, you can tell me... I swear I'll keep ny mouth zip. And I assure you... I'll keep it secret for life." She said. Jeong Hyeok couldn't believe that she think of him as a gay. "Ms. Yoon..." He said. Seri look at him with her puppy eye and waiting for his confession. "I'm not a gay..." He said. Seri smile as she nodded. "Sorry..." She said.

"Halmeoni... Want me to get married this year... So I need to do this while waiting for my girlfriend to return here in Korea." He said. Seri choked because of what she heard. "Are you okay?" He said and gave her a glass of water. "Yah! You already had a girlfriend? Mr. Ri... Why you didn't tell me?" She said. Jeong Hyeok look at her. "Did I have to?" He asked. "Ofcourse.... What if your girlfriend will find out about this? Aigoo... I don't want to be the third party here.."  She said. Jeong Hyeok let out a small laugh. Seri see him laughing. "Yah! What are you laughing at?" She asked.  "You're over reacting... If she's going to find out about my plan for sure she's already here and also that day is the last day of our role playing games." He said. "I mean, when my girlfriend come back, I won't need you  and we will stop our mini play. And rest assured that you will never be a third party because we're only doing this to help each other. I need you and you need me, that's all. Understand, Ms. Yoon?" He added. Seri didn't speak. 'What's this? Why am I feel a little hurt?..'  In her mind. "Arasso...." She said. "Are you done eating? Let's go to my study room and I'll discuss you about our rules." Jeong Hyeok said. Seri got shocked, "Woah... You had a rules..." She said.

Seri observed Jeong Hyeok. She thinks that this guy is handsome yet boring. And she unknowingly laugh while thinking of it and Jeong Hyeok saw her. "Why are you laughing?" He asked. Seri try to hold her Laughter. "Ani... I'm not..." She said. Jeong Hyeok gave her a paper and Seri read it one by one.

Partnership Rules!

Person A - Ri Jeong Hyeok
Person B - Yoon Seri

1. Person B needs to cooperate to persin A while doing her task.

2. Person B needs to know and learn the life of person A. Since his birth upto present.

3. Person B needs to be a loving girlfriend to person A when infront of the public especially to Mrs. Ri (person A's grandmother).

4. Person B didn't allowed to tell to anyone regarding this agreement including to her family and close friend.

5. Person B will automatically stop pretending when person A said the word "Game over!" Meaning, person A won't need her anymore when that day come.

Seri read it all but he look at to him when she read the number five rules. "That's all my rules... And on the next page is your privileges while being my fake girlfriend." He said. Seri look up to it but she didn't much read it. "Are you okay with that?" He said. Seri rest her back on the chair. "Yes but the number four rules, even to Chan Young, I'm not allowed to tell her about this?" She asked. Jeong Hyeok nodded. "Really? Aigoo!" She said. "How about number three? Did I really need to act to be a loving girlfriend?" She said. "Yes... We need it to lure the public and also to make my grandmother believe that we're so inlove to each other." Jeong Hyeok explained. Seri take a deep breath as she trying to absurd all his rules. "So?" He said. "Fine! I'll keep it all in my mind." She said. Her phone ring and Jeong Hyeok saw Boyfie registered on her phone screen. "You had a boyfriend?" He asked. Seri look at her phone and she smile. "Ani... He's only my bestfriend..." She said. "Is there anything you want to discuss with me? If we're done, I'll go back to my unit and answer this call." She said. Jeong Hyeok look at her. "Nothing... That's all for today..." He said. Seri smile and walk towards the door to went outside.

Seri open the door and got startled when she bumped someone infront of it. "Oh! You!... The dancing Goddess!" Jun Jae said. Seri got shocked and she panick when someone recognize her. "What? Dancing Goddess?" She asked. "Jun Jae what are you doing here?" Jeong Hyeok said when he saw Jun Jae. Jun Jae ignored him and keep his eyes to Seri. Seri let out an awkward smile and try to walk away from him but Jun Jae stop her. Jeong Hyeok approach them when he saw Seri being uncomfortable and he slightly pull Seri away from him. "She needs to return to her unit and you... Come here inside, I need to talk to you." He said. "Kamsahamnida, Mr. Ri..." Seri whispered and she immediately walk and went inside to her unit.

"Yah! Jeong Hyeok... What she's doing here?" Jun Jae said. "You know her?" Jeong Hyeok asked. "Ani... I saw her last time at the club and I admit she caught my attention." Jun Jae said. Jeong Hyeok smirked. "Yah! She's my girlfriend now... So you better stop dreaming her." Jeong Hyeok said to tease him. Jun Jae got shocked "What?" He said. Jeong Hyeok tap his shoulder. "She will be my fake fiancée for the meantime." He said. Jun Jae got confused. "What? How?" He asked. "No! I didn't allowed this... I won't... She's my soulmate..." He said over reacting. "Too late! We already had an agreement." He said and he gave their agreement paper to Jun Jae. "Yoon Seri... This is her name.." Jun Jae said. Jeong Hyeok laugh when he saw his friend's face are now blushing in red.

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