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"Seri's Decision"

Side Story

In Hongkong

Jeong Hyeok seated on his office and trying to finish all he needs to finish. The staffs notice his mood. He Keeps frowning all the time. He became impatient and always in the bad mood.

He never let this slide. He call his attorney and a private investigator to investigate on what happened that night. He knew that it's impossible for him to get drunk that night because he didn't take too much alcohol on the party. This is his first step to make up with Seri, to take legal actions on what happened that night.

A soft knock interrupt his thoughts. "Come in.." He said. He got surprised when he saw Ms. Han in the door. "Oh, Ms. Han." He said. Ms. Han smile and greet him. "Have a seat..." He said. Jeong Hyeok stop his doings. Ms. Han put a basket of fresh fruits on the table. "What's this?" He asked. "I just accidentally bumped Ms. Yoon at the pharmacy last time..." She said. "You saw Seri?where?" He asked. "Yes, near at our house, Vice Chairman..." She said. "She look so unwell and her face is so pale so I bought this for her. Can you do me a favor, Vice Chairman? Please give this to her as my thank you for helping me that day." She said. 'She look so unwell?' In his mind. "Did she bought some medicine?" He asked. Ms. Han nodded. "Yes, a pain reliever and the other one is for upset stomach." She said. Ms. Han look at him, "Vice Chairman, if you don't mind can I ask a question?" She said. Jeong Hyeok nodded. "Are you two okay? Ms. Yoon's mood change when I brought the topic about the party last time. And you too, you seems so surprised when I told you that I saw her." She said. Jeong Hyeok didn't speak. "Anyway, Ms. Han.... Can I know who leave first out of the two of us? That night at the party?" He asked. Ms. Han look at him. "Waeyo? You didn't remember, Vice Chairman?" Ms. Han asked. "Honestly, I couldn't remember what happened after I went home from the bar." He said. Ms. Han let out an awkward smile. "So you mean, you didn't remember that you keep calling Ms. Seo as Ms. Yoon.?" She said. Jeong Hyeok look at her as he was so shocked. "You keep calling Ms. Yoon name... I approach you with Mr. Park when we noticed you're struggling to stood up but Ms. Seo told me to back off. You leave first with Ms. Seo, Vice Chairman." Ms. Han said. Jeong Hyeok clench his fist. His conclusion that Dan planned this. "At first I thought you're drunk but Mr. Park told me you only took a little alcohol. Honestly, some staffs at the party whispering that you and Ms. Seo had a secret relationship." Ms. Han said.

Jeong Hyeok need to clean his name to Seri. He won't allowed Dan's plan ruin their relationship. One mistake is enough but this time he will make sure that no one can separate them. He needs to talk to Seri and he needs to fix this as soon as possible, In Jeong Hyeok's thought.


Present day

Seri look at her self through the mirror. "It's time to face the reality, Seri... No more hiding..." She said. She felt abdominal pain and think that maybe her menstruations is coming.

She decide to back to her work at their company. And make her greetings to her father. And soon to Mrs. Ri. She doesn't know if Mrs. Ri already knew what happened to Hongkong but she miss her. Her phone is still turned off.

Meanwhile, Jun Jae knew what happened to them because Dan told him. Dan saw Seri outside the hotel and ride on a taxi that day. Jun Jae was confused on his feeling. He's happy that Seri and Jeong Hyeok's relationship fall apart but at the same time he feel guilty because he knows how much pain for it to Seri.

He's walking at the side road near the company when he saw Seri went outside from a taxi. "Seri..." He said. He walk immediately towards to her. "Yoon Seri..." Jun Jae called.

Seri stop and look at him. Jun Jae walk fast and pull her to hug her. Seri got shocked and her eyes got widen. Seri try to release on his hug but Jun Jae insist. "Are you okay?..." He whispered. "I know it's hurt... You have me, Seri.." He said. Seri got confused. She push him and look at him intently. "What are you talking about?" She said. "I know that you and Jeong Hyeok is in bad terms... Seri he's not worth it for second chance... Trust me..." He said. "How did you know? It's impossible that Jeong Hyeok will tell you about it..." She said. Jun Jae couldn't speak. Seri smirked, "so it's Dan..." She said. Jun Jae was speechless. "Heo Jun Jae! Are you with her plan?" She said. "Seri... I can explain.." He said and try to hold her but Seri slap her. "Don't you ever try to hold me and hug me just like what you did earlier. You're not my boyfriend to do that. This is my warning..." She said. "I couldn't believe it, that you agree to her plan, for what? To have me?" She said. Jun Jae didn't speak. "Why? She told you that we're breaking up?" She said. And come closer to him. "Tell her, We're not breaking up! We're going to fix what she try to ruin it..." She whispered. Seri gave him a death glared and walk passed through him. Jun Jae smirked and grab her on her arms. "You really not know about Jeong Hyeok? It's not Dan's plan... They did it together because Jeong Hyeok has still feelings for her. His world revolves around her for how many years... You think he can completely forget about Dan because of you?" He said. "C'mon, Seri... Jeong Hyeok loves only one woman and that is his first love, it's Dan." Jun jae added. Seri felt hurt on his words. Seri look at his eyes. "Really, Jun Jae? Is this your way to make me yours? To hurt me in that lies?" He said. "Yoon Seri... You must wake up! Jeong Hyeok is meant for Dan. And you, is for me..." He said and tighten his grip. "Aniyo! It's only your illusions, Jun Jae... I'll decide who's meant for me... So Let go of me now." She said and pull her arms to release from his hold. "Even we're breaking up, you will not have me Jun Jae..." She said and continue to her walk but her tummy suddenly ached. She try to bear it because all she wanted is to walk away from Jun Jae. She couldn't believe that he would do that to her, she treat him as a good friend. But his word hits her and make her confused, what if Jeong Hyeok is still had feelings for his first love. If that's the case, her world will be fall apart.

"Ahhh!" Seri shouted when she couldn't bear anymore her abdominal pain. She hold the wall to remain standing. Blood flows on her legs and hee face look so pale.

Mr. Yoon with some of the board of directors walking at the hallway when he saw Seri in that kind of situation. "Yoon Seri!" Mr. Yoon shouted and he immediately approach his daughter.

"Appa!" Seri weak called before she passed out.

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